C. Tóth Norbert (szerk.): Documenta ad historiam familiae Bátori de Ecsed spectania I. Diplomata 1393-1540 - A nyíregyházi Jósa András Múzeum kiadványai 67. (Nyíregyháza, 2011)


20 Preface documents. Elenchus (inventory containing short summary) made by Ádám Rajcsányi, the archivist of the royal treasury, in 1741 was of great help when collecting the donation charters. Rajcsányi’s work was a good starting point for the exploration of documents.10 (List of charters known from these digests can be well traced in the table below). We hope that these 295 charters (two of them being a forgery) can provide a good basis for the fur­ther research. With the help of the documents published in the volume, the strategy of the Ecsed branch to gain its possessions can be reconstructed without serious difficulties. To make it easier, preparations to publish the correspondence of the Ecsed branch of the Bátori family are in process.11 In our opinion, these three collections of charters will give a good background for the comprehensive research of political activities, possession man­agement, art patronage and system of personal relations of the Bátoris who belonged to the five most important noble families of the Hungarian Kingdom during the reign of King Matthias and the Jagiellons. The charter collection makes available a number of sources which are important not only from the point of view of the Ecsed branch, but also from the aspect of the whole medieval history of the country. It is also important, that through this volume, the virtual archives of a new baron family will became available to the pub­lic.12 So, we can only encourage all the users of the volume to exploit the opportunities provided by the sources included into the collection of charters. On the edition of the charters. Edition was made basically according to the accepted rules of medieval source publishing. We paid attention to the appearance of the so-called e-caudata (g). However, we have to underline some differences: transcription of letters v/w marking the sound u to u; transcription of letter w marking sounds vu to vw; transcription of letter u marking sound v to v. Connection of letters ci and a vowel was transcribed as ti and vowel. In the texts of charters we used the following signs: [...] = uncoded text or word; d[ilectis] = replacement on the basis of the context. All the data of the charters were uncoded in the notes. We did not change the way of writing of proper names, and, naturally, we tran­­scripted them with capital letters, similarly to the ethnic names and adjectives originating from ethnic names (e.g. Thureus, Bohemica), to adjectives originating from toponyms (e.g. Sirimiensis, Themesiensis, Brassoviensis). Names of holidays start with capital let­ters (e.g. Nativitatis Beati Iohannis Baptiste), the same is the situation with words Sanctus and Beatus, if they are attributes of personal names (eg. festum Sancti Michaelis). Punctuation of the texts was adjusted to modem orthography. Abbreviations used in certain ages were uncoded without special marks. Addresses and suit notes found at the „exterior” of the documents and the texts on the back of the charters were included into the critical apparatus. The latter, of course, contains the description of the material and way of sealing of the document, references of the Hungarian National Archives or earlier numbers. We referred to the fact of earlier complete or regesta editions of the document. The apparatus ends with the monogram of 10Hungarian National Archives I 22. (Documents from Vienna archives). „Extractus litterarum familiae Bá­­tory de Bathor Anno 1741 diebus mensium Aprilis et Maii per Adamum Rajcsány de eadem ad hanc inclytam Cameram Regiam constitutum archivarium in hunc ordinem redactarum.” Digests of Medieval documents: pp. 11-18. uDocumenta ad historiam familiae Bátori de Ecsed spectantia II. Missiles 1394-1541. l2The first is the collection of charters containing documents of the baron branch of Perényi family, published three years ago.

