Istvánovits Eszter - Almássy Katalin (szerk.): A nyíregyházi Jósa András Múzeum Évkönyve 52. (Nyíregyháza, 2010)

Néprajz - Nagyné Bősze Katalin - Páll István: Gunyecz, a szódás. Egy szódásdinasztia története a kezdetektől a múzeumi bemutatásig

Gunyecz the seltzer-man History of a family of seltzer-men from the start to a museum exhibition Gunyecz, a szódás The study describes the flourishing and the fall of a craft that once brought success and wealth through the life of the seltzer producer Gunyecz family of Nyíregyháza. Seltzer, which was initially used for therapy, soon became one of most popular and the cheapest refreshments of the Hungarian population: it was a real “Hungaricum”. It brought prosperity to the “head” of the Gunyecz family, he stuck to it and very soon made the members of the family know and like it. This is how a dynasty of generations of seltzer producers was bom from an early endeavour. Like every novelty, seltzer also needed time to become accepted and known. By now, how­ever, the time of the Hungarian icon drink seems to have expired. It cannot any more be a rival to the numerous new mineral waters of diverse tastes. The ever changing enactments, regulations and tax laws also lay increasingly heavy burdens on small business and confront the entrepreneurs with demands that they cannot satisfy either from a financial or from a personal aspect. The “one-person” industry, which often worked without employees, does not any more refund the expenses and the owner has to face the decline to the 150 year-long business. The memory of the seltzer industry is still alive. In order that the once very popular drink should not be forgotten, the specialists of the Sóstó Museum Village decided to rescue at least a few of the machines and to show the visitors the one-time scene of seltzer production in a “real” work­shop. With the generous offering of the Gunyecz family, we furnished a seltzer workshop in the building of the “seltzer factory” moved from Nyirgyulaj, which faithfully demonstrates the one-time environment and where the renewed machines could provide the visitors with seltzer. Katalin Nagyné Bősze - István Páll Sóstó Museum Village H—4431 Nyíregyháza-Sóstófürdő Tölgyes u. 1. e-mail: - 205

