A Nyíregyházi Jósa András Múzeum évkönyve 48. (Nyíregyháza, 2006)

Történelem - Tóthné Bordé Katalin: The Jóba family and their printing office. The history of a three generation printer family

Tóthné Bordé Katalin only a highly respected owner of printing works, but also played a very important role in the city's public life. Lastly the study follows the fate of the enterprise after the early death of Elek Jóba the second, when - between 1918 to 1933 - his widow and his works manager took over its direction. This period can be considered the decline of this printer dynasty, which deserved a better fate, and indeed the closing-down of the printing-office. We can get to know the efforts Elek Jóba the third made for saving the family enterprise. The Jóba Printing-Office was the largest and the most productive typographic factory in Nyíregyháza. It had typographical matters that were connected to the local administrative-, social-, and cultural life. They mostly did the printing of imaginary and scientific works of authors from „Nyírség" - only the printing works -, the production of local newspapers - in many cases the pub­lishing too -, and making administrative printouts for county offices. It very rarely happened that a regional or a national paper or a work not written by a local author was made in their printing-house, but sometimes there were examples of this too. The primary profile of their products was serving the local interests. Translated by Gréta Gulyás Katalin TÓTH BORDÉ College of Nyíregyháza Central Library and Special Literature Information Center H-4400 Nyíregyháza Sóstói út 3 1/b. e-mail: kborde@nyf.hu

