Somogyi Múzeumok Közleményei 16. (2004)

Lajos Lilla – Vadkerti Edit: Adatok a Villányi-hegység talajlakó pókfaunájához (Araneae)

308 LILLA LAJOS — EDIT VADKERTI Ozyptila praticola ­­+ ­­­Runcinia grammica ­­­­+ + Thomisus onustus ­­­­+ + Xysticus acerbus ­­+ ­+ + Xysticus eristatus ­­­­+ + Xysticus embriki + ­­­+ ­Xysticus erraticus ­­+ ­­­Xysticus graecus ­+ ­­­­Xysticus kochi ­­­+ + + Xysticus luctator ­+ ­­­­Xysticus ninnii ­+ ­­+ + Xysticus robustus ­+ ­­+ + Xysticus sabulosus* ­­­­­+ Xysticus ulmi* ­­­­­+ Salticidae Asianellus festivus ­+ ­­+ + Ballus chalybeius ­­­­+ ­Ballus rufipes ­­­­+ ­Euophrys frontalis ­+ + ­+ ­Euophrys lanigera ­­­­+ + Euophrys obsoleta ­+ + ­+ ­Evarcha arcuata ­­­­+ ­Evarcha falcata ­­­­+ ­Heliophanus cupreus ­­­­+ ­Heliophanus flavipes ­­+ ­+ ­Heliophanus kochii ­­­+ + ­Neon pictus ­­+ ­­­Neon rayi ­+ + ­+ ­Neon reticulatus ­­+ ­­­Pellenes nigrociliatus ­­­+ + + Philaeus chrysops ­+ + ­­+ Phlegra fasciata ­­+ ­­+ Phlegra fuscipes ­­­­+ + Pseudeuophrys obsoleta ­­­­+ ­Sitticus inexpectus ­­­­+ ­Sitticus penicillatus ­­­+ ­­Talavera aequipes* ­­­­­+ Talavera thorelli ­­­­+ ­According to the findings of LOKSA (1966), KÉKESI and SEGESDI (1979), LOKSA (1984, 2002), SZINETÁR and LAJOS (2000), Nemesia pannonica, the only Hungarian representative of the Nemesiidae family is absolutely dominant in the study area, a fact related to its preference of warm areas, rocky grass­lands and bushy forests. Now it was found in all 9 local­ities, and was most abundant in the early spring period. It is protected, therefore we suggest that no pitfall trap­ping is done at all in the early spring months. There are further 4 protected species in Villányi Hills. Atypus piceus, A, affinis, A. muralis, the only 3 european members of Atypidae family. Their distribu­tion areas overlap in Europe (WUNDERLICH 1991). The protected Eresus cinnaberinus is characteristic in the Villányi Hills but it was not occured in the traps in 2001. There were 14 species found to be new to the fauna of the Villányi Hills: Dipoena inomata (O. P.-Cambridge, 1861); Alopecosa aculeata (Clerck, 1757); Alopecosa solitaria (Herman, 1876); Liocranum rutilans (Thorell, 1875); Gnaphosa lugubris (C. L. Koch, 1839); Zelotes aurantiacus Miller, 1967; Zelotes latreillei (Simon, 1878); Zelotes subterraneus (C. L. Koch, 1833); Zora nemoralis (Blackwall, 1861); Zora silvestris Kulczynski, 1897; Thanatus formicinus (Clerck, 1757); Xysticus sabulosus (Hahn, 1832); Xysticus ulmi (Hahn, 1832); Talavera aequipes (O. P.-Cambridge, 1871). Thus, the current number of spider species described in the Villányi Hills has grown to 201 (Tabl. 3.). Dipoena inornata has only one published occur­rence (CHYZER and KULCZYNSKI 1918) now we found a female specimen on Tenkes Hill. It is a species with wide distribution in Europe (ROBERTS 1995), but it is not common. It favours dry, open areas (AAKRA and HAUGE 2000), is strongly threatened in Germany (PLATEN et al. 1996) and is endangered in Slovakia (GAJDOS et al. 1999). Among wolf-spiders Alopecosa aculeata and A. soli­taria were found to be new to this fauna. The occur­rence of A. solitaria is not surprising, since it prefers warm and dry areas, and was earlier found on Sas-Hill, a place with similar climatic consditions (LOKSA 1977, BALOGH 1935, BLEICHER et. al, 1999). A. aculeata is

