Somogyi Múzeumok Közleményei 12. (1996)

Magyar Kálmán: Nagyatád és környéke XI.-XV. századi településtörténete és régészeti emlékei

160 MAGYAR KÁLMÁN KÁLMÁN MAGYAR: HISTORICAL AND ARCHEOLOGICAL RELICS OF NAGYATÁD AND ITS VICINITY IN XI-XV. TH CENTURIES (With particular respect of the system of the fortresses and settlements) Resume With the help of finds excavated in Nagyatád and in its vicinity, we could deside the system of the fortresses and settlements of this region in XI-XV. th centuries. Our elaboration clarified, that already in the X th century, this settlement system - as the center of Bogát clan - was neighbouring part of Segesd from south. In the Árpád ages Segesd was the fortress and domanial center if the King and the Queen. Next to it, 6-10 km far from there, was Atád, the landed property of bailiff of Somogyvár. Atád was the later possessio and villa, namely a village. In the XV-XVI. th centuries the territory became an oppidum caracteristically, as a center of landed property. In the Rinya region Kis- and Nagy-Atád with Ötvös, Baráti and Szabás villages, were the part of holding of the former medium holder, but later the aristocrat Batthyány clan. The disorganation of Segesd County center and the lands of Tibold clan, made possible for it, to became a land center in the XIV-XV. th century. In the age of Turks, and in the XVIII-XX. th centuries Nagyatád was developed. In its territory we can find 15 Medieval settlement, mainly with churches. 11 were on the left bank of the Rinya, and 4 were on the right side. These were Baráti, Szentlászló, Döbrög, Bodvica, Simon/falva, Pongrác, Tivadar/Kivadar, Herkeháza, Alsó, and Felső-Pácod, Sármellék and Henész, Szentmihály, Iklad, Fülecs villages. We punctually identified the topographical places and the churches of these villages, with the help of the sources and archeological facts. According the archeological data, in Nagyatád there are remains of 18 previous settlements. (Two of them divided in two parts.) Estate boundaries of Nagyatád just the same as the boundaries of the mentioned Medieval settlements. It is obvious, that the bordering dominial villages of Segesd (Marcali clan was the former, Báthori clan was the later owner) could't let the Batthyány clan to enlarge their territories. Despite of this they were the owner of the Várdomb castle, that controlled the ford, at the bank of Rinya, and the excavated Ötvös castle (a Renaissance hunting-seat with four bastions at the corners.) From Nagyatád to the south, in the vicinity of Háromfa, two other smaller fortresses, Háromfa-Avarvár and Fehér­vár controlled the ford of Rinya as well, at the same time. We compared the archeologocal finds - mainly the ceramics if the Árpád ages - of Kis- and Nagy-atád, Henész, Bodvica villages with other neighbouring centers - Segesd, Berzence, and Gyékényes. (See the l-XII. th tábla) These centers, originated from the Árpád ages, creating a real settlement-system. They had the same importance in the XIV-XV. th с The duty of the fortress system was to make controll the international commercial road. The Queen's center was, a serious attraction for the merchants. This dominated role determined the development of Nagyatád, and the not excavated Mediaval settlement and fortress system of Bares, Berzence, Csurgó, Gyékényes, and Zákány. Practically, the Medieval importance of Nagyatád was determined by the excellent traffic conditions the international routes and the ford of Rinya. The ferry of the north-south main road of Somogy County was the center of this Medieval settlement system. In a circle - with 15 km long radius - there were five fortresses, which controlled the whole settlement network. Finally, it can be proved, that the fortress and settlement system in the vicinity of Nagyatád came into being to defend the Queen's center in Segesd. Later, in the XV-XVI. th с Segesd was the residence if the Marcali - Báthori clan. That made possible the growth of Nagyatád and the develpment of this market town.

