Hárs Éva: Martyn Ferenc rajzainak kiállítása, 1982

gó, vidám farsangi menetére utalnak. Hasonlóan több lapon kísérhetjük végig az „Álló alak - harcos" -nak a busóénál elvontabb értelmezésű figuráját. Ezekkel a rajzokkal a művész középkori ír keresztes vitézekre em­lékezik. Más lapokon kézműves műhelyre, népi szerszá­mokra, öreg szőlőprésre, vagy gazdag vegetációjú hegy­vidéki tájra, „térképre" ismerünk. Számos természet után készült rajz figyelmeztet az élet rejtett szépségére, de a természet rendjére, rendszerére is. Ilyenkor a rajz mintha röntgenfelvétel volna, belenéz, beleláttat a dolgok belse­jébe. Ahogy a művész mondja, legszívesebben kettévágná a fűszálat is, hogy megtudja rejtett titkát. Ilyen kíváncsian megmérő, kitapintó és magába fogadó ismerkedést kínál látogatóinak a kiállítás. Hárs Éva * Ferenc Martyn's name is known to the museum-visiting public of Kaposvár. Many people know that he was born in Kaposvár and he is atteched deeply to the town even today. He often visits Kaposvár from Pécs where he lives now, and follows with keen attention the cultural deve­lopment of his town. The exhibition was organized at the request of the board of Kaposvár. 80 drawings were selected from the col­lection of the museum of Pécs. The best of these dra­wings have been exhibited in Budapest, Rome and Pécs in the past years. Ferenc Martyn's drawings are individual pieces made with traditional technique, i. e. with pen and China ink. They are not graphic pieces in the wider sense of the term. On the other hand you cannot find the traditions of the academical drawing method even if the drawings are close and accurate copies of nature itself. How is it possible? The answer is very simple; Martyn never imita­tes, he always draws. Thus he creates original and indi­vidual values aspiring not to attain descriptive similarity, but to express idea, opinion and reflection. Martyn is a master of handling lines. He uses several varieties of line flowing richly in its own beauty in drawings. Sometimes he uses short parallel or crossing lines. To express depth he thickens lines to form dark, powerful spots, while to show light he leaves white spots or draws very slight and frail lines. Cramping, recurving and winding lines imitate anguish while simple and pure lines suggest us the beauty and order and harmony of nature. Martyn's drawings are messages of his rich fantasy, messages for us to under­stand or enjoy, to transform or preserve them. However, through their specific image-language they convey us the artist's idea of the world. The 80 drawings exhibited now are taken from the cropt of a 40 years' continuous work. The earliest of them the 10 pieces series, entitled „The Monsters of Fascism", completed in 1944 was so to say a protest against the horrible realitiy of fascism. A group of dra­wings were inspired by folk motifs, especially by the different elements and figures of the famous folk masque­rade at Mohács. The series entitled „Stander-Figure-Figh­ter" give an abstract meaning to the figure of the masque ­rader. These resemble to the figures of the Druids and Irish fighters. Other drawings show us a craftsman's workshpp, an old wine-press, folk tools or show us landscapes, views of hills and the hidden beauty and or­der of nature, as well. In these cases the drawings are as if they were rediographs showing the inside of things, as the artists says that he would like to cut even a leaf of grass to see what it has in its inside. Such inquisitive, perceptible and receptive approach is given to the visitors by this exhibition.

