Uherkovich Ákos: A Dráva mente állatvilága II. (Dunántúli Dolgozatok Természettudományi Sorozat 9., 1998)

Fenyősi L.: A kis csér (Sterna albifrons Pall.) költőhelyei Magyarországon. - Nesting sites of the little tern (Sterna albifros Pall.) in Hungary

470 DUNÁNTÚLI DOLGOZATOK (A) TERMÉSZETTUDOMÁNYI SOROZAT 9. (1998) Nesting sites of the little tern {Sterna albifrons Pall.) in Hungary László FENYŐSI A new nesting locality of the little tern nesting occasionally and in small numbers in Hungary is revealed. During this century nesting pairs have been reported only from river Danube and saline lakes on the Hungarian Great Plain (the last record: 1971). Since 1994 a small colony has been known to have been established on a gravel bank of river Dráva. The success of nesting is primarily determined by the water levels of the river. The value of +200 cm at the Bares measuring scale seems to be the critical higher limit (due to floods in 1996 and 1997, no successful nestings occurred). The number of nesting pairs ranged between 4 and 10 from 1995 to 1997. As a consequence of increasing plant cover on the originally bare-surface banks, the availability of potential nesting sites decreases, which could result in the decrease in the numbers of little terns, common terns {Sterna hirundó) and the little ringed plover {Charadrius dubius). Author's address: FENYŐSI László H-7570 Barcs Petőfi S. u. 10.

