Uherkovich Ákos: A Barcsi borókás élővilága, IV. (Dunántúli Dolgozatok Természettudományi Sorozat 5., 1985)

Mahunka S.: A Barcsi borókás Oribatida faunája (Acari). - The Oribatid fauna of the Old Juniper Woodland of Barcs, Hungary (Acari: Oribatida)

H-2310: moss samples from soil of drier localities, 16. VII. 1981. leg. S. Mahunka and L. Mahunka-Papp . H-2311: ant-nest of Formica rufa built in moss, 16. VII. 1981. leg. S. Ma­hunka and L. Mahunka-Papp . 5. Environs of Pond "Tíva-tó": H-1620: bark and moss from decaying birch, 16. VIII. 1976. leg. S. Mahunka' and Ъ. Mahunka-Papp. H-1621: litter from birch mixed with dry juniper, 16. VIII. ' 1976. leg. S. Mahunka and L. Mahunka-Papp. H-1622: sample from an ant-nest taken in an oak wood, 16. VIII. 1976. leg. S. Mahunka and L. Mahunka-Papp. 6. Environs of Rigóc: H-2305: thick layer of litter and humus from old oak wood, and litter sam­ples from various points, 14. VII. 1981. leg, S. Mahunka and L. Mahunka-Papp. H-2307: litter and soil samples from moist alder wood, 14. VII. 1981. leg. S. Mahunka and L. Mahunka-Papp,. 7. Csikota: H-2192: wet litter with soil from alder wood, 16. III. 1976. leg. S. Mahun­ka and Li 1 Mahunka-Papp. H-2193: wet litter with soil from alder wood, 16. III. 1976. leg. S. Mahun­ka and L. Mahunka-Papp. H-2194: thick carpet of lichen from soil, 16. III. 1976. leg. S. Mahunka and L. Mahunka-Papp. Б-2308: litter and soil samples from various points of a mixed forest /most­ly oak and pine/. The study of the samples yielded a total of 101 identifies species. This seems tö be a reasonable number, only the members of the family Suctobelbidae appear to be lacking, here 5-6 further species should come" forward in the future. One species proved to be new to science, while eight new to the fauna of Hungary. There are many species have so far been known in Hungary only in one or two loca­lities only, so they are useful additions to our knowledge of the distribution of species in Hungary. L. ist öf identified species .Brachychthoniidae THOR, 1930 Brachychochthonius immaulatus /FORSSLUND, 1942/- Locality: H-2174. '.'.•'.' Brachychochthoniushungaricus /BALOGH, 1943/. Localities: H-1614, H-2174. 'Brachychochthonius jacoti /EVANS, 1956/. Localities: H-1614, H-1621. A vi­dely distributed but rare species. Second locality in Hungary after the Kőszeg Mts. Brachychochthonius subcricoides BALOGH et MAHUNKA, 1979. Localities: H-1614, H-1621, H-2174. Brachychochthonius zelawaiensis /SELLNICK, 1928/. Locality: H-2174. Brachychthonius bimaculatus TtflLLMANN, 1936. Locality: H-2174. Not a common 'species. It was collected in Hungary only from sandy soil forest /Csévharaszt, Ágasegyháza/. Liochthonius brevis /MICHAEL, 1888/. Localities: H-1621, H-2174. 195

