Ábrahám Levente (szerk.): Válogatott tanulmányok VII. - Natura Somogyiensis 22. (Kaposvár, 2012)

Fazekas I.: New occurrence Ancylolomia tentaculella (Hübner, 1796) in Hungary (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)

184 Natura Somogyiensis Ancylolomia tentaculella was first found in 1939 by an anonymous collector near Szeged (Szöreg) and the specimen deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. The species was found near a neighbouring city in Hódmezővásárhely twenty- one years later. These specimens are also in the Budapest museum. The specimens were identified mistakenly for A. palpella. The antennae and genitalia of A. tentaculella differ strikingly from those of the sister species A. palpella. Unfortunately, Gozmány did not recognize this and the species were omitted from his book (see Gozmány 1963: p.p. 133-134.). Although Bleszynski (1965) mentions this species from “Ungarn”, the record was probably based on specimens collected outside present-day Hungary, but this report is surely doubtful (Slamka 2010). A. tentaculella was for the third time found in 2001 and 2005 by Ferenc Buschmann near Nagykáta and Jászberény; besides unexpected new localities in 2011 by Szabolcs Lévai in Mezőtúr (Fazekas et al. 2012). From 13 September 1939 to 23 August 2011, various Hungarian lepidopterists collected A. tentaculella in five localities as follows. Material and methods The moths were sampled using light trap and hand collecting between 1939 and 2011. The collected specimens are preserved in Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. A Breukhoven stereo microscope type BMS (140 Bino Zoom) was used for the investi­gations of the adult and genital slides were made. The photographs and drawings of the genitalia were made with an Olympus microscope with a drawing tube and BMS digital camera (type: Eyepiece & C-mount camera 3 megapixels). The photographs of the adults were made with a Sony camera type DSC-HX100V. The microscopic investigations and photographs were made by the author. Ancylolomia tentaculella (Hübner, 1796) Tinea tentaculella Hübner, 1796; Samml. Eur. Schmett., Tineae: 26: Taf. 33., Fig. 230. Locus typicus: “Italy”. Synonym: Ancylolomia irakella Amsel, 1949. References: Bleszynski 1965, Fazekas et al. 2012, Goater 1986, Slamka 2008. Coll. Veloz. Europa Hungária • Stegad. * T Hidm*z6válórh*ly \9ÍC'm <3 fénycsapda Fig. 2. Adults of Ancylolomia tentaculella (Hübner, 1796): Hódmezővásárhely (to the left), Szeged, Szőreg (to the right)

