Ábrahám Levente (szerk.): Válogatott tanulmányok IV. - Natura Somogyiensis 15. / Miscellanea 4. (Kaposvár, 2009)

Ortmanné Ajkai Andrienne - Horváth Ferenc: Külső-Somogytól a Mecsekig: DNX Magyarország három dombvidékének vegetációja

16 Natura Somogyiensis Fig. 1: Overview шар of study area (Marosi, Somogyi 1990) Vegetation Database and Map of Hungary (MÉTA) brought many new data on the veg­etation of these regions (Molnár et al. 2007). MÉTA Survey was performed on about half of the total area of these regions by the first author. This paper presents detailed vegetation description based on MÉTA database. A short description was published by Tóth and Csiky in Király (2008a,b,c). Research area The three adjacent regions, situated in Tolna and Baranya countries, south of Külső- Somogy, are transitionary towards Mecsek Hills and Duna valley (Fig. 1.). This hilly landscape is bordered by easily recognizeable structure lines: Völgységi- and Mucsi- Hidasi creeks in the south, Sásdi-árok in the west, Kapos river in west-northwest, Duna valley in the east. Its average height is 180-300 m a.s.l. Area of Baranyai-hegyhát is 200 km2, of Völgység is 450 km2 and of Tolnai-hegyhát is 600 km2 (Marosi and Somogyi 1990). Climate of Völgység and Baranyai-hegyhát is moderately warm and moderately wet; of north part of Tolnai-hegyhát is moderately warm, moderately dry. More climate fac­tors show a distinct SW-NE gradient of increasing continentality in Baranyai-hegyhát - Völgység-Tolnai-hegyhát sequence (Fig. 2). Most widespread soil type of Baranyai-hegyhát is brown forest soils with clay illuvia­tion (88%), of Völgység are brown forest soils with clay illuviation (47%) and cher­­nozjem brown forest soils (29%), of Tolnai-hegyhát are chernozjem soils (53%) but also Raman brown forest soils cover a significant area (21%) (Marosi and Somogyi 1990). According to phytogeographical classification, all three regions belong to Sopianicum included in Praeillyrieum; their vegetation is similar to that of Mecsek hills, but less rich, especially in mediterranean elements (Kevey and Horváth 1986).

