Gyökerek • A Dráva Múzeum tanulmánykötete, 2005

Mészáros Ádám: Németek betelepülése Barcsra 1770 és 1828 között

Mészáros Ádám: Németek betelepülése Barcsra 1770 és 1828 között Meanwhile the population of Új-Barcs changed. Despite that at the middle of the 1820's the Germans of Szulok origin became a majority in Új-Barcs too, the separation of the two quarters which were populated by Germans (New-Barcs & German street) remained in the future too. In the beginning of the 19th century Bares was a small rural market-town with German majority and significant Croatian and Hungarian ethnic minorities with approx. 40% proportion. Observing the employment division we can point out that this community pursued peasant lifestyle but the great number of the craftsmen deserves our attention. On the basis of all these we can represent a bustling rural town with lively commerce. The development of Bares accelerated in the last years of the 18th century and the best mark of it was the obtaining of the market-town rank. The German ethnic group of Bares took great part in the fast growth of the settlement and in the spreading of new trades. The German population of Bares and Szulok was the introducer of the potato and tobacco cultivation in this region too. 36

