Novotny Tihamér - Selényi Károly István: Selényi Károly. Művésztelepi Galéria, Szentendre (Szentendre, 1996)

Cím nélkül, vegyes technika, kő, 1996 Untitled, mixed media, stone, 1996 Gertrúd Csizmadia: The Confectioner Smells Like Marzipan Károly Selényi's exhibition titled "M" Lény (="M" Crea­ture) was opened at the Gallery of Artists' Colony at the end of July . Hieroglyphs, totems, symbols, animals, sto­ne, wood and nature. We are sitting at the table sip­ping herb-tea.- Why is natural healing so popular nowadays? On the one hand health is ignored, on the other it is worried too much about.- People are liable to trying anything new. This way they compensate certain things, and then expect their li­fe to change. The desire I have for natural materials was first a feeling of lack. We used to belong to Natu­re... A man is getting wiser in time, he is getting closer to his origin, and the life he lives begins to tend instinc­tively towards it.- Are you talking about yourself?- Myself also. Right things are rarely emphasized around us. Everyday life seems to thrust people away from natural way of life.- Nowadays we can read a lot about this kind of subject.- The knowledge is inside us and not in the books. How does a seed know that it is going to grow into a plant, and how does a cell know that it is going to develop in­to a human being? Really good books verify the fact that we are not alone in the world with our feelings and aims.- Could we do without books?- Of course. A book is but an informational valve just as a computer or a telephone' is. If they are overestimated, people may get subordinated to them.- In your opinion how much does a work bear the ar­tist's character or morals?- Human factors do not necessarily play a role. There are intellectual sort of artists who create works hard, thinking and suffering, while others work in an intuitive way. Some of the latter can be unbearable, intolerant or even unrefined. However, when the time comes they bring about works of standing value - almost in a state of ecstasy. Then character or morals do not count any more. Csillaghajó, vegyes technika, üveg, kő, 70 x 100 x 70 cm, 1996 Star Ship, mixed media, glass, stone, 70 x 100 x 70 cm, 1996 - Do you belong to the first type?- More or less. I sometimes have intuitive moments, which rush at me at a velocity of light though nothing of it can be seen from outside. The exhibition was opened at 5, and I had finished constructing one of the objects 10 minutes before. That was the time of it.- Why did you choose "M" lény (="M" Creature) as a name of the exhibition?- We, the inhabitants of the earth are usually conceited enough to think that we make the universe expand. Only a few people are able to sense that our planet is just one among the others. We are beings just as the other aliens coming to us are beings for us. An "M" Lény (="M" Cre­ature) can be me or you or anybody else. Incidentally, the word 'emlény' (=memory) exists in Hungarian langu­age, as an old literary version of 'emlék' (=memory). Re­membering is the most significant way of getting know­ledge so it is very important for us "M" Creatures so that we could find answers to our vital questions.- Why are you attracted to stones?- Because they carry the greatest knowledge, they are the basic elements of the universe. Others only want to know how many carats it is worth, whether it is beauti­ful or not, then just kick into it. I have been collecting pebbles since my childhood, I talk to them, recieve their messages and try to hand these messages on by building them into my works.- What is art?- Either everything or nothing is art around us. I have ne­ither dated nor signed my latest works, nor given them titles. I have realized that it is neither me nor the works that are important but the part they play.- Don't you even consider yourself an artist?- Why should I bother about this name? Just as a con­fectioner gradually starts smelling of marzipan, so do the so-called artists begin to take up some sort of a com­mon mark that their classification forces upon them. Let everybody do their work - this is how it should be.- Are you not interested in what will happen to your works?- But I am. I do not like seeing them in private possession.- Do you keep looking at them at home?- It is not necessary as they are inside me, but they are like memories for me. When I pass by an antiquity shop and look at the things in the shop-window, I never think of buying them, even if they are really beautiful. They cukrász is lassan marcipánillatot áraszt, az ún. művé­szek is felvesznek valamiféle közös jegyet, amit a cso­portba sorolásuk rájuk kényszerít. Végezze mindenki a dolgát - ez így természetes.- Az elkészült munkáid sorsa már nem érdekel?- Dehogynem. Nem szeretem őket magántulajdonban látni. are other people's memories, and I cannot have them by possessing. Such things can only be received or in­herited.- So you do not live on selling your pictures, do you?- I am teaching and designing posters. Árnyak, litográfia, papír, 80 x 62 cm, 1996 Shadows, litography on paper, 80 x 62 cm, 1996- Are you doing it under the pressure of necessity?- Not at all. I get as much from the children as I give them. I think anybody born genetically normal can be taught anything, any kinds of technique. However in­ducement, restlessness and search, which precede cre­ation, cannot be transmitted. It can be talked about, and gates may open up. Cím nélkül, vegyes teenni ka, kő, 1996 Untitled, mixed media, stone, 1996 A Győri Grafikai Műhelynek, a Szövetség Területi Szer­vezetének és a Győri Nemzetközi Művésztelepnek a "M" Lelet, vegyes technika, márványlap, (2x) 45 x 35 cm, 1995 "M" Find, mixed media on a marble slab, (2x) 45 x 35 cm, 1995- Otthon nézegeted őket?- Erre nincs szükség, hiszen bennem élnek, de úgy va­gyok velük, mint az emlékekkel. Ha elsétálok egy régi­ségbolt előtt és nézegetem a kiállított tárgyakat, soha­sem jut eszembe megvásárolni őket, még akkor sem, ha igazán szépek. Más emlékei, nem lehet őket azzal magamévá tenni, úgy, hogy birtokolom. Ezeket csak kapni lehet, vagy örökölni.- Nem abból élsz, hogy eladod a műveidet?- Tanítok és reklámgrafikákat készítek.- Mindez nem kényszerűség?- Egyáltalán nem. Legalább annyit kapok a gyerekek­től, mint amennyit adok nekik. Úgy érzem, aki genetika­ilag egészségesnek születik, az bármire megtanítható, bármilyen technikára. A belső késztetést, azt a nyugta­lanságot, keresést, ami az alkotást megelőzi, azt vi­szont nem lehet közvetíteni. Lehet róla beszélni, és talán megnyílnak a kapuk. (Demokrata 1996/41) Panoptikum, litográfia, papír, 62 x 80 cm, 1996 Wax-Works, litography on paper, 62 x 80 cm, 1996 SELÉNYI KÁROLY ISTVÁN 9025 Győr, Bálint Mihály u. 3. Tel.: 06-96 329-070 1953. február 2., Győr. Autodidakta művész. 1974-től kezdve foglalkozik aktívan a képzőművészettel: festmé­nyeket, grafikákat, objekteket, kombinált képeket és ins­tallációkat készít. 1977 Megismerkedése Balogh István Vilmos képzőművésszel. 1978 Kapcsolatba kerül a szentendrei Vajda Lajos Stúdióval. 1979 Először állít ki a Vajda Lajos Stúdió Pinceműhelyében. 1985-től tagja a Fiatal Képzőművészek Stúdiójának, a Magyar Alko­tóművészek Országos Egyesületének, a Képző- és Ipar­­művészeti Szövetségnek és a Magyar Festők Társas­ágának. 1989 Meghívást kap egy lengyelországi nem­zetközi művészeti találkozóra (Kazimierz Dőlni). 1991 „SViVy *

