Novák László Ferenc szerk.: Tradicionális kereskedelem és migráció az Alföldön (Az Arany János Múzeum Közleményei 11. Pest Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága, Nagykőrös, 2008)

DARKÓ, JENŐ: Hungaro-byzantino-valachica 351 JUHÁSZ, ANTAL: Movement of population to deserted territoryes (puszta) between Kecskemét and Kiskőrös .... 387 BARTHA, JULIANNA: Migration from Great Cumania to Bácska region 407 SILLING, ISTVÁN: Migratory tendencyes in West-Bácska region; example of Kupuszina village 415 BAGI, GÁBOR: Immigrants in Szolnok town in the first half of the 19 TH centuy, and theis role in life of the country town 421 MARINKA, MELINDA: Migrationsformen der Schwaben in Mezöpetri (Petrifield) 447 KUGLER, JÓZSEF: Slowak people's voluntary migration on from Békés-Csanád regions after 2 ND world ware, and his effect to present day 1945-1948 .. 463 GECSE, ANNABELLA: Versions of migration in the 20 TH century, and his consequens in life of one village in Gömör region 485 TÓTH, PÁL PÉTER: Sporadic way of life and development of demography 505 KÜRTI, LÁSZLÓ: Colonization, migration, immigration 513 NÉMETH, BALÁZS: Einige Bemerkungen zu den in der reformierten farrgemeinde Wien-West lebenden ungarischstämmigen Reformierten 535 DÉNES, ZOLTÁN: Roots of Europe 549 WANDERING OF CULTURAL ELEMENTS UJVÁRY, ZOLTÁN: Wandering of cultural elements 559 KEMÉNYFI RÓBERT: A geography-based investigation of trajectories and migrationalreligious phenomena 563 BARTHA, ELEK: Ways, waylines ­To the ethnography of religious purpose migration 603 TELENKÓ, BAZIL MIHÁLY: Leaving of denominantional heritage. Standpoints to investigation effects in 20 TH c. between greek catholics in Hungary . .. 609 LOVAS KISS, ANTAL: TWO colonizated villages an the Little Sárrét region (romain catholics between calvinian protestants) 623 BATHÓ, EDIT: Belief elements of keeping of bees in the István Vannai's book 637 SZABÓ GÉZA: Way of Margaret-flower from Niederkirchen to Harta 643 BőDi, ERZSÉBET: Eastern Slavic elements in Hungarian cuisine 669 NOVÁKNÉ PLESOVSZKI, ZSUZSANNA: Taking over of cultural elements and intellectutal interactions in life of the slowak lutherans in Mezőberény, in the 18-19 TH centuries 679 DIRECTORY 685

