Balogh Zoltán – Fodor Miklós Zoltán (szerk.): Neograd 2016 - A Dornyay Béla Múzeum Évkönyve 39. (Salgótarján, 2016)

Történelem - Kazareczki Noémi: Zubovits Fedor huszárkapitány (1846–1920) nógrádi identitása a megyei sajtó tükrében

NOÉMI KAZARECZKI FEDOR ZUBOVITS CAPTAIN HUSSAR S NÓGRÁD IDENTITY IN THE MIRROR OF THE COUNTY PRESS The study tries to display the relationship of Fedor Zubovits.who was mainly a sol­dier,but he was an inventor,a diplomat,a hunter,a publicist and a sportsman as well, to Nógrád County based on the articles appeared in the county press. The captain was born in Hont county but he considered Nógrád his homeland. This study shows his life’s periods when he got in contact with Nógrád County. First of all, we display the 1870s when he became known with his Parisian distance horse-riding and after that everybody celebrated him in Balassagyarmat ,too. Secondly, we display the 1880s and 1890s. Between 1890 and 1900 as the tenant of the Migazzi - castle of Nógrádverőce.we can get insight into his conflicts and litigations,but the king’s visit was also an important episode of this period in which he taught the choreography of the army cavalry. Because of that he counted on great attendance. So his way of liv­ing in Verőce and his oriental collection were displayed, they are so interesting sources. In 1898 he was chosen as the member of Nógrád County Municipality Committee. One of his human activities was when he started to raise money for the clerks and asked pay rise from the under-secretary of the Ministry for Home Affairs. During the years we can see the change of his personality: he generated more and more conflicts in his surrounding,so he took part in several litigations and he was not afraid of armed fight. One of his most famous single-combats was with István Rákóczy who was the Chief Constable of Nógrád. In 1900 he moved to Trieszt,then in 1906 to Visegrád,but in spite of this the Nógrád press followed his life’s events almost until he died in 1920. 56

