A Nógrád Megyei Múzeumok Évkönyve XXXII. (2009)

TANULMÁNYOK - NÉPRAJZ - Dita Nociarová: Szakrális kisemlékek Nógrádban

Sacred Small Mementoes in Nógrád By Dita Nociarová The sacred mementoes are an organic part of traditional material culture, symbols of religious (Catholic) faith, and appear in the landscape and rural surroundings. Among them are the roadside, boundary, cemetery crucifixes, statues of patron saints, roadside shrines and small chapels. Their presence in the Nograd region (part of the historical Nógrád county in Slovakia) places the area into the European cultural and historical context. At the same time they also bear regional character­istics, which stem from the historical development and natural conditions. Their erecting was inititated by individuals, families, or associations. The oldest ones date back to the 18th century, their style is Baroque, and are connected with re-ca­tholicism. For centuries they have been of outstanding importance in religious folk ceremonies and processions. They are places of worship, devotion, piety and at the same time points of orientation in the landscape. In Nograd the Latin wooden crucifixes are plain, or ornamented on the upright stand and the crossbar. The motifs are placed above each other in squares. The crosses were monochrome with different shades of brown, the ornamental motifs generally emphasized with white or yellow. The corpus was half-sculpturesque cast iron or cut from plate using pattern then painted. From the second half of the 19th century the cast iron crosses became used, which were mass produced in nearby foundries using wooden moulds. The stone and walled crucifixes with inscriptions were more time-proof. The statues of patron saints were placed on stone poles and originally erect­ed along waterflows, near vineyards, cross-roads. Nowadays they are mainly in churchyards. The most common ones are Virgin Mary and St John of Nepomuk statuettes. In our region the cult of St Ann was also widespread in rionour of whom many chapels were dedicated. The cult of St Vendel is referred to only by one statue and also some shrines in which the original statuette was replaced by printed pic­ture. Unique are the Baroque statuette of St Urban and St Anthony with the infant Jesus. On the whole territory of Nograd shrines can be found, walled or stone structures with niches, into which small statues or saint's day prints were put. They are in the centre of settlements or on their boundaries but can also be found in rural areas, fields. Chapels are somewhat larger structures, in most cases they can be entered into, and there occasionally (on the patron saint's day) services are held. Types are chapels in cemeteries, in castles, chapels built on dedication, and there is also a cal­vary chapel. The most common one is the Lourdes Chapel. Since 1990 a number of chapels have been consecrated to Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Sorrows. Fordítás: Tátrai Emese

