Fatuska János – Fülöp Éva Mária – ifj. Gyüszi László (szerk.): Annales Tataienses V. Környezetváltozás, termelés, fogyasztás: a történeti ökológia kérdései. Tata, 2006.

Benda Borbála: Táplálkozási változások a főúri udvarok és uradalmak étkezésében a 17. században

Dietary changes in the cooking of aristocratic courts and domains of the 17th century Borbála Benda The author concentrates on three key issues of the dietary history of the period in question: l.the spreading of classic boiled pasta in Hungarian cooking; 2. whether fish was a typical Lenten fare and whether its consumption underwent changes in the 17th century; and 3. the increase of the proportion of dishes flavoured with butter. In her paper, the author analyses the cooking of aristocrats in conjunction with the organically related aristocratic court and domain, based on available sources, especially from the Nádasdy archives. Her main sources are cookbooks and menus. In the cooking habits of the aristocratic courts and domains of the second half of the 17th century, the proportion of classic boiled pasta increased. At the same time the number of fasting days doubled due to the recatholicisation of aristocrats. Fish consumption habits are relatively unchanged in the period; on fasting days the fare was mostly pasta made with butter, and flavouring with butter became predominant. It remains a subject of further research to clear the connection between the change to two fasting days per week and the proportional increase of butter-flavoured dishes and to which extent did the change accelerate their spreading. 97

