Kisné Cseh Julianna (szerk.): Annales Tataienses IV. Arx – oppidum - civitas. A vártól a városig. Tata évszázadai. Tata Város Önkormányzata – Mecénás Közalapítvány, Tata, 2004.

Kiss Vendel: Adatok Tata szabadságharc alatti történetéhez

Data concerning the history of Tata during the war of independence Vendel Kiss As far as the war of independence of 1948-49 is concerned, the history of Tata is incomplete in many respects. The lack of information is caused by the fact that a small number of local documents on local events were preserved. The present study gives a review of related documents that came up in the material of the Hungarian government authorities of 1848. These new sources, on the one hand, serve as a complement to our present, research-based knowledge on the history of the local National Guard (set up in spring, 1848) and the parliamentary elections of summer, 1848. They provide new data concerning local individuals who were involved in the war of independence and the financial contribution the city made to defensive warfare. 69

