Darabont Dezső: A Tiszavilág II. absztraktjai (2007) / 884-2007

the carefulness of some attentive administrators: the details of a few local events, the register of their individual activities; these were preserved alongside with their personal documents. These surviving records were incorporated in the local history movement, which came to existence later: to provide original or copied records or photographic annexes to accompany their applications. All these, however frequently they may be found, are only fragments, and it takes painstaking work to picture the importance of the era in the area of public education. The sources of this paper were mainly provided by the applications, written memoirs and collections found in the archives of János Damjanich Museum, Szolnok. These data have been completed by the contemporary documents, proceedings and central directives kept in the museum, or, more importantly, the Archives of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County; and by the literature that deals with the area of public and out-of-school education. To complete the available data, the author has also used some published manuals of the history of individual villages, and the collection edited by József Soós, educational secretary of the county entitled The History of Public Education in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county, published in 1943; The Present and Past of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county, edited by György Scheftsik, published in 1936; and two volumes of the Ethnographical Atlas of Szolnok county, published in 2001. Dr. Varga Lajos): Tegyük védett területté, arborétummá a tiszakürti parkot! Let’s turn the Tiszakürt park a protected area — In World War II and the years that followed, part of the dendrology collection was destroyed, in this paper, which was first published in 1960 in a journal called Jászkunság, the author was one of the first people urging the rescue of the dilapidated values of the arboretum, and placing them under environmental protection. The writer summarised the necessity of developing a park in 4 points: 1. carrying out scientific research; 2. recreation and experience in the open air; 3. making money through the maintenance and development of young trees; 4. strengthening. The efforts conduced to a result: the Tiszakürt Arboretum was placed under local protection in 1971, then in 2000, it gained the title of nature reserve of national importance. Fordította: Darabont Dezső

