Gulyás Katalin – Horváth László – Kaposvári Gyöngyi – Pató Mária szerk.: Nyitott kapuk. Hetvenéves a szolnoki Damjanich János Múzeum (A Damjanich János Múzeum kincsei, 2004)

Angol nyelvű összefoglaló

the artist, László Tálas and László Madaras). 5. László Mednyánszky: Tramp. 6. Lajos Zombory: Carrying ice. 7. The public could view Károly Ferenczy's paintings as well at the exhibition organ ised to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Artists' Colony of Szolnok, 2002. 8. Adolf Fényes: Two village lassies. 9. Part of the Szolnok Gallery. 10. Part of the storehouse of the fine art department. 11. Vilmos Aba-Novák: Pottery fair. 12. Sándor Baranyó: In the garden. 13. Csaba Rékassy: Meeting of haulers is forbidden. 14. Ferenc Berényi: Waiting. 15. László Meggyes: The bank of the Zagyva in winter. 16. Magdolna Fazekas: Day dreamer. 17. Gábor Benő Pogány: Tension. 18. István Nagy: Shepherd Boy. 19. Ferenc Simon: Small Nude. 20. László Szabó: Boy Playing the Flute. 21. Imre Amos: Burning Sacrifice. 22. István Boldizsár: Garden in Spring. 23. Zoltán Szabó: Woman in Hat. 24. Lajos Sváby: Animal Story. 25. Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka: Roe-deer study. 26. Tibor Pólya's daughter, Mrs Gogó at the opening ceremony exhibition of her father's drawings and graphics in 1998. (In the background art historian László Zsolnay and sculptor Ferenc Simon) Mária Pató: The History of the Reference Library 1. József Ágoston 's book-plate. 2. Horthy 's book-plate. 3. Dedication of book by József Kele. 4. Balázs Csete's autograph in his own book. 5. Istvanfi, Nicolai: História regni Hungáriáé... Viennae, Pragae et tergesti, 1758 6. Warning for readers: Take care of the books. A stamp in the 1930's. 7. Augustinus, Aurelius Décima pars librorum. .. Basileae, 1506 8. Orbán Sipos' book-plate. 9. A page of Istvánfí's History - number 207. Viktor Hild's notes and translation to the page. 10. Viktor Hild: The inventory of my books sorted by authors, 1922. 11. György Káldi's collection of sermons, Nagyszombat, 1681. 12. György Komáromi Csipkés' Bible translation bound with Albert Szenczi Molnár's translation of Psalms. 13. Hand-written and painted book from the Franciscan monastery of Szolnok. 14. View of Szolnok castle in Ortelius Hieronymus' book, Nürnberg, 1665. 15. The advertisement of Sándor Faragó's printing-house and bindery. 16. Lajos Fekete: A history of the Jazygan and Cumanian people, Debrecen 1861. 17. Gyula Kaposvári's note in the flyleaf of Tissot's travelogue of Hungary. 18. Gyula Kaposvári's note in 5th volume of "Hungarian Minerva". 19. Ottó Borzovai Nagy-Tibor Pólya: "Zsuppra aggnő" - A 1 6th century notary's joke, Budapest 1918. 20. Colleagues of the library department, 2004 (Mária Pató, Mrs István Péter, Csaba Jámbor and Róza Varjú) István Vadász: On the Natural History Collection 1. Proto-elaphant. 2. Mammoth and proto-elephant. 3. Woolly mammoth. 4. Shank bone. Woolly mammoth, Tiszaszőlős (found in September 1897 in the Tisza near Tiszaszőlős, late ice-age) 5. Back-tooth. Woolly mammoth, Kőtelek (A donation of Roman Catholic parish­priest Antal Berzeviczy; late ice age) 6. Back-tooth. Woolly mammoth, Tiszadorogma (Bought in March, 1904 from Dorogma fishermen by the Museum and Library Association, late ice age) 7. Lower jaw with teeth. Woolly mammoth, Tiszaörvény (collected by association chair Endre Tariczky around 1897) 8. A whole skull with antler-cogs. Proto- aurochs, Tisza (late ice age) 9. The aurochs - a resident of cold climate grassy steppes. 149

