Gulyás Katalin – Horváth László – Kaposvári Gyöngyi – Pató Mária szerk.: Nyitott kapuk. Hetvenéves a szolnoki Damjanich János Múzeum (A Damjanich János Múzeum kincsei, 2004)

Angol nyelvű összefoglaló

hat and umbrella, the director of the archaeological department of the Hungárián National Museum, on his right dr Béla Balogh in breeches. 3. A page of the hand-written Hild diary. 4. Laté Bronzé Age sword unearthed around Nagyrév from the bank of the Tisza. 5. Bronzé beit chain from a Celtic grave. Jászberény, Öregerdő. 6. A page of the inventory from Béla Balogh's bequest. 7. Cast bronzé beit end depicting a scene of animál fighting from the Bánhalma Avar grave. 8. Sarmatian silver pendants. Jászberény-Alsómuszály. 9. Germán buckle with an eagle head (gilded silver). 10. Decorated Bronzé Age dish from Tiszafüred. 11. Uniquely shaped painted Neolithic pot. 12. Bronzé Age ascos (bird-shaped dish) from Nagyrév. 13. Laté Bronzé Age reaping hooks from the Szolnok- Attila street treasure finding. 14. Laté middle Bronzé Age dish standing on human-shaped legs from Kunszentmárton. 15. „Venus of Rákóczifalva" Neolithic anthropomorphic pot. 16. Fancy pottery from the age of King Matthias (glazed clay). 17. Silver cup from the age of the Conquest from Kétpó. 18. Fragment of a necklace of a Kun chieftain. Tiszaföldvár-Homok-Óvirághegy. 19. Bull-shaped handlé of a clay pot-lid from Jászdózsa. 20. Golden hair rings from the Bronzé Age treasure finding in Jászdózsa. 21. Sarmatian golden pendant from Tiszaföldvár. 22. Woman-shaped Neolithic fertility statuette from Szajol. 23. Standing clay pot from the laté Bronzé Age cemetery in Jánoshida. 24. Stylised Neolithic depiction of buli from Szolnok-Szanda. 25. Laté middle Bronzé Age (15th century B.C.) standing clay dish from Túrkever­Terehalom. 26. Byzantine crosses from the Jászdózsa Jazygian cemetery. 27. A clay dish from a laté Bronzé Age sacrifice pit. 28. Turkish copper vessél from Szolnok castle. 29. Taking a break at an excavation. With Gyula Kaposvári on the left. 30. Excavation: Tiszaug-Kéménytető, 1980 31. János Cseh gives a lecture. Tiszafüred, 1988. 32. Fragment of the standing archaeological exhibition. Reconstructed Neolithic and Bronzé Age houses. 33. Zoltán Polgár arranging the exhibition, 2000. 34. Centuries turnéd intő hills. An imitation of dwelling hill at the Gallery. 35-36. Snapshots at a Túrkeve excavation. 37. Excavating at Túrkeve-Csudabala, 1998. (Marietta Csányi, Béla Kriveczky, Judit Tárnoki) 38. When evén visitors can "restore". Open gates - European Heritage Days, 2003. 39. Restorer Mária Horváth at work. 40. Restorer Mrs Tibor Túróczy preparing the chest of the Jászberény boot-makers' guild for exhibition. 41. Restorer Péter Császár conversing the tools of a coppersmith's workshop. 42. József Venczel worked as a studio photographer for several decades. The photo department of the museum cannot cope without his rich experience. 43. Photographer Károly Kozma has been contributing to the museum for 25 years. István Szabó: Historical Research 1. A silver taler coin of Emperor Charles V., 1545. 2. The Szolnok fortification and castle in Houfnaglius' print, 1617. 3. The castle of Balaszentmiklós in Houfnaglius' print, 1595. 4. Szolnok panoráma from the tower of the Franciscan church. Photo by Henrik Szigeti, around 1895. 5. The forefront of the museum, 1967. 6. Histórián Gábor Bagi giving a lecture. Tiszafüred, 1988. 7. The cupboard of the pharmacy to the Divine Providence, the middle of the 19th century. 8. The door of the cupboard showing Hygea from Greek mythology. 9. Fragment of the cupboard of the pharmacy to the Divine Providence in Szolnok. 10. Fragment of the exhibition called "Where Are We Living?" - a room from a house in the Scheftsik habitation in Szolnok. 11. Fruit dish, the beginning of the 19th century. 12. Biedermeier and Secessionist china from the Kontsek collection. 13. Biedermeier glass, the middle of the 19th century. 14. Venetian cup, Salviati workshop, the end of the 19th century. 15. Count Gyula Szapáry and his wife's wedding rings, 1864. Ul

