Ihász István - Pintér János szerk.: Történeti Muzeológiai Szemle: A Magyar Múzeumi Történész Társulat Évkönyve 6. (Budapest, 2006)

II. Módszertan - Műhely - Közlemények - Szabó István: A rákóczifalviak Rákóczi-tudata

MUHI Klára 2005. Nem félünk a farkastól? (Beszélgetés KENDE B. Hanna és VEKERDY Tamás pszichológussal) Filmvilág XLVIII.évf. 12. sz. december PALLAS NAGY LEXIKONA 1893-97. Budapest. PESTIY Frigyes Helységnévtárából II. Külső-Szolnok 1979. Kecskemét-Szolnok. Rendszeres jelentés Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megye állapotáról. 1880. Szerk.: Sipos Orbán. Szolnok. RÉVAI NAGY LEXIKONA 1911-35. Budapest. SIMON Béla 1992. Szülőföldem a Jászkunság. Szolnok. SZABÓ István-SZABÓ László 1976. Rákóczi és a rákóczifalviak. In: JAKU. XXII. évf. 1-2. sz. SZABÓ László 1989. Rákóczifalva. In: Adatok Szolnok megye történetéből. II. Szerk.: Botka János.Szolnok. THALY Kálmán-ZICHY JENŐ-Dr. SZENDREI János 1891. Századok. 1891. évf. VÁLYI András 1799. Magyar Országnak leírása III. Buda. Rövidítések jegyzéke DMHA Damjanich Múzeum Helytörténeti Adattára JAKU Jászkunság SZmN Szolnok megyei Néplap Rákóczi-consciousness among the inhabitants of Rákóczifalva István Szabó According to statistical figures, altogether two separate settlements bear the name of our "noble prince" in Hungary, both of them being in Szolnok, a county which has only loose connections with the historic family. The two settlements are Rákóczifalva and Rákóczi­újfalu; this latter gaining its separate existence from Rákóczifalva in 1950. Rákóczifalva is an "artificial" settlement, which "once constituted part of Ferenc Rákóczi Ifs property, then confiscated, and later belonged to the Baron Malonyai family, and as the family died childless, it went to the Royal Treasury. Here VARSÁNY was settled in the steppe as was decreed by the high order no. 22.210 in 1880 of the right honourable Hungarian Royal Ministry of Finance." The name of Varsány was first mentioned in the Garamszentbenedek diploma in 1075, but archaeological finds indicate that the settlement was populated from the Árpád era until the end of the Turkish occupation. Having fled several times, the inhabitants eventually de­serted the village for ever at the end of the Turkish period. Although some people were men­tioned returning in 1703, and the prince even erected a country house, Varsány did not re­vive. The deserted area of the once flourishing market-town was, therefore, used by Szolnok and Vezseny until resettlement in 1880. The Minister of the Interior by an order proclaimed the community numbering nearly 300 families coming from 35 different settlements a sepa­rate community under the name Rákóczi in 1883, and in 1901, following the original plan, it was renamed Rákóczi fal va. The Rákóczi country house at that time still in good condition was unfortunately demol­ished at the beginning of the 20th century, and the bricks were reused at the construction of the local school building. Only three times did the population, which was increased several

