Gulyás Katalin et al. (szerk.): Tisicum - A Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Múzeumok Évkönyve 24. (Szolnok, 2015)

Történettudomány - Bagi Gábor: Adatok, megjegyzések Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megye agrártörténetéhez a honfoglalástól a polgári forradalomig (895–1848)

TISICUM XXIV. - TÖRTÉNETTUDOMÁNY Gábor Bagi The history of agriculture in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county from the Hungarian conquest to the civic revolu­tion (895-1848) Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county is a typical lowland, flat area where as a consequence of outside influences (1241, the settlement of Cumanians and Jazygians, the Turkish destruction) the tendencies the Eastern style practices of animal farming gained ground several times. Undisturbed development dates back to the period as late as after 1711. The vicinity of the river Tisza and the existence of unregulated flood areas had a great impact on agriculture. This paper distinguishes four separate periods. These periods may be characterised as follwos: 1. From the Hungarian conquest till the Mongol invasion (895-1241) The conquerors of the land with mixed animal farming structures (animal and land farming and nomadic); mixed livestock; later the appearance of draught oxen and military horses, hospeses and the innovative role of ecclesiastical landed estate; the spread of growing of grain crops, legu­minous plants, fruit, vegetables, grapes and fibre crops; the use of sickle, scythe and plough; the development of roads and fairs; self-sufficiency; the predominance of royal land. 2. From the Mongol invasion till the Battle of Mohács (1241-1526) The settlement of Cumanians and Jazygians; different organisation of farming. New kinds of animals, production of goods, the plot of land sys­tem, increased plough lands, trade of livestock, development of country towns (Túr, Varsány, Fegyvernek, Szolnok, Berény etc.). 3. The Ottoman age and the period of the Kuruc wars (1526-1711) Regeneration until 1593; strengthening country towns, trading of ani­mals. Turkish registration. After the 15-year war the cultivated land grew wild, the population moved away, cattle farming fell back. The develop­ment of the Hungarian grey cattle; the appearance of American plants and the turkey and the Balkans swine. 4. The age of the Habsburg Empire (1711-1848) Re-settlement, gaining strength in economics; the role of Jászkun re- demptus lordships, the freeholder socage and the role of patrician al­lodium. Cattle farming, then sheep farming (long-wooled sheep-“racka”); sublimations, manorial and district studs; wool trade. Agriculture satisfied local needs. It was also characterised by the spread of the cultivation of grain, vegetable garden, leguminous and plants of domestic industry, but at the same time the spread of growing corn, tobacco, tomatoes, alfalfa, grapes and field farming. Two- then three-year farming, then more complicated use of land. Cultivation of waste ground, the resettlement of the plain land and areas free of use. The beginning of flood regulations; farm and grazing ground reallocations. Lack of capital and indebtedness. Translated by Dezső Darabont 244

