Gulyás Katalin et al. (szerk.): Tisicum - A Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Múzeumok Évkönyve 22. (Szolnok, 2013)

Művészettörténet - Irodalomtörténet - Szurmay Ernő: Verseghy Ferenc utolsó évei

SZURMAY ERNŐ: VERSEGHY FERENC UTOLSÓ ÉVEI Irodalom CSÁSZÁR Elemér 1903. Verseghy Ferenc élete és művei. Budapest. DEME Zoltán 1996. A korán jött ember. Szolnok. HORVÁTH Konstantin 1937a Az Egyházi Értekezések és Tudósítások története. Veszprém. 1937b Verseghy Ferenc és Horváth János levelezése. Veszprém. KECSKEMÉTI Gábor 2003. Az ékesszólás elmélete és gyakorlata Verseghy műveiben. In: In memóriám Verseghy Ferenc 6. Szolnok. RÉKASY Ildikó 1994. Verseghy Ferenc-bibliográfia. Szolnok. SZATHMÁRI István 2003. A funkcionális stilisztika Verseghy műveiben. In: In memóriám Verseghy Ferenc 6. Szolnok. VERSEGHY Ferenc 1987. Értekezés a Szentírás magyar fordításáról. Szolnok. Egyházi Értekezések és Tudósítások (10 kötet). 1820-1824. Veszprém, Özv. Szammer Klára betűivel Ernő Szurmay The last years of Ferenc Verseghy From the 1810s onwards, Verseghy lived in his mother’s cottage hav­ing grown tired of the struggles of language reform, being almost totally excluded from intellectual life, being withdrawn from public life, however, not being idle at all. After her death, he bought a house on the north­eastern slope of Buda Castle Hill with his friend, János Ossitzky. The ail­ing still quite active poet paid for the loving care by training and educating the two Ossitzky children. For the ageing Verseghy it became increasingly clear that the rebellious republican thinking of his youth had become out of date. As time passed, he got closer and closer to his church. Not only did he adopt the dog­ma of the Roman Catholic church, but he spread them with all possible means, first of all his writing. Whenever and wherever he could, he stood up against all forms of Protestant faith, however, he still followed the civic way of life, and held working people in high esteem regardless their social status. In 1819, János Horváth, prebendary of Veszprém, asked Verseghy to as­sist him in creating an ecclesiastic lexicon, and his journal titled Eccle­siastic Tractates and Reports. The poet happily accepted the offer, and started work with great enthusiasm. At the same time, another request arrived from archbishop Sándor Rudnay to reshape the Káldi translation of the Bible, which had become rather out of date in its language and spelling by that time. This paper lists the greater works of the last period of the poet’s life. At the end of the summer of 1822, Verseghy fell seriously ill and died on 15th December almost completely forgotten. His burial place for 130 years was the cemetery of Víziváros, and when it closed down, his home­town, Szolnok, had his ashes transported home and gave him an orna­mented grave. 621

