Gulyás Katalin et al. (szerk.): Tisicum - A Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Múzeumok Évkönyve 22. (Szolnok, 2013)

Régészet - Csányi Marietta–Tárnoki Judit: Túrkeve–Terehalom – a tell 2. települési szintje. Étkészlet a bronzkori házból

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Marietta Csányi - Judit Tárnoki A Dinner Set from a Bronze Age House in Level 2 of the Túrkeve-Terehalom Settlement Túrkeve-Terehalom was a fortified Bronze Age tell settlement. Discussed in this paper is Level 2 of Túrkeve tell settlement, whose unique assemblage of artefacts and the excellent state of preservation of the unearthed house are most noteworthy. Level 2 of the Túrkeve settlement represents the late, but not the final occupation of the settlement. It is impossible to describe in detail the enormous amount of finds, and we shall therefore only discuss the most outstanding assemblage from House 1, the set of intact, decorated vessels of the Bronze Age household. The pottery assemblage described in the above was not simply part of the vessels used in the kitchen, but probably a dinner set reserved for special occasions such as festive meals, whose pieces were used for different purposes. Some pieces of the Koszider period pottery assemblage from Level 2 of the Túrkeve settlement betray the traditions of the classical Middle Bronze Age, while others are dominated by the stylistic traits of the subsequent period. This duality is a typical trait of the early phase of the Koszider period, a date supported also by the position of the occupation level in the stratigraphic sequence. Translated by László Bartosiewitz 20

