H. Bathó Edit – Gecse Annabella – Horváth László – Kaposvári Gyöngyi szerk.: Tisicum - A Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Múzeumok Évkönyve 16. (2007)

A New Permanent Exhibition in Gyula Castle

bedroom). In the room called Afterlife of the castle, we have placed texts and illustrations about the castle. The castellan 's room is the opening hall of the men's suites (the parlour and bedroom of the lord of the manor, and the office of the Turkish bey); these rooms have been placed here because they come one after the other, their sequence is not broken by the passage above the bakery. An other important consideration is that reál medieval spaces with gothic frame-mouldings can be found here complete with latrine, sedile, and fireplaces. Through the passage above the bakery, visitors can reach the halberdiers' room where we have placed 16 l and 17 l century imageries of the castle and weapons on the walls. In the armamentary: weapons have been clustered according to their types (side arms, maces, mauls, fire arms and armature). Here there was an opportunity for the museum to commemorate the Arad martyrs and exhibit relics of the 1848-49 Revolution and War of Independence. The fixtures of the knight's room are copies based upon medieval objects, and to our great pleasure they are the outcome of the labour of the craftsmen of Gyula liké the chapel and the wine bar. 312

