Madaras László – Szabó László – Tálas László szerk.: Tisicum - A Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Múzeumok Évkönyve 8. (1993)

Cseh János: Kengyel-Kiss-tanya

centimetres), stamped and wedge-carving (Keilstich) ornament potsherds (to the latter we can bring paralells from the field of Kengyel also) from the second spit deep - on the depth of 30-40 cm - in the oriental half of the ashy smudge as well, double frustrum of cone (biconical) spindle-whorl under the second spit deep (at -40-45 cm) in the centre, nearer the southern side of the same level as the spindle-whorl by the eastern side of the spot (it was got lost), similarly on this part in the second spit deep and lower down 100m-weight and millstone, stones and obsidian two spits deep from the present surface. The discolouring definitely gave an angular form, really this had not corresponded to the original outline of the pit, as soon as it come to light later. At the eastern post-place of the house we observed, that it the witness-wall approximately divides into halves. It's filling-earth was been of loose, grainy, dark-grey/ blackish blended earth, spiced with ashy stains. It's edge separated emphatically in the "cleaner" yellow loam. We made a study of the post-hole in section with the aid of a shaft of 55x35x35-50 cm, which we had started from the floor's level. Sooner we had secured the slightly angular shape of the stake-hole (it's measurement 30-35x15 cm), then we prepared a full cut. At this we noticed, that the nearly 45 cm deep digging-in goes downwards to 35 cm in subhumus earth, however from that begun in clean yellowish-grey loam. At the filling-earth on the part falling the house in breadth of 18 cm (approx. diameter) about to 20 cm deep a contrasting, more compact spot presented oneself: maybe the trace of the former wooden post. Around the post-place on the walking-level we were detecting stratifications, which perhaps can be interpreted as floor-renewals. On the eastern part of the building's northern wall another pile-trace showed oneself, of which filling-in was of darkish mixed soil, with some clay-plasters' little pieces. Below it sank in the cleaner yellow virgin ground. Because here we were not able to retain the original side-wall of the house, that question was come up, whether it was been within or outside. In the long run we come to conclusion, that it was taking a seat properly inside the building. On the environs of this pale we investigated from the many four small stake-traces in section too. Their filling-in were of looser, lumpy, blackish mixed earth. In side-face and in view from above well seemed the some mm darkish, compact "circle", which is greatly typical of this archeological feature. The peg-places were closed grown narrow, rounded-off. 161

