Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 21. (1996)

The species composition of the measured material is given in the next table. F.subb. F.col. F.eleon. F.tinn. F.vesp. F.naum. Sum HNHM, Budapest 3 4 _ 16 10 _ 33 MM, Gyöngyös 3 2 ­35 24 ­64 Priv. coll., Hevesvezekény ­­­12 3 ­15 HNGI, Budapest ­­­1 ­­1 SNHM, Stockholm 6 26 ­­­­32 PI, Munich 10 3 2 ­­4 19 Zl,Krakow 5 1 ­3 ­­9 BM, London ­4 1 ­­2 7 ZI, St'Petersburg 2 4 ­­­­6 NHM, Wien ­­­­­1 1 Sum 29 44 3 67 37 7 187 From the 6 European smaller Falcons a total of 187 complete or partial skeletons were studied. It would have been desirable to carry out these investigations on a larger material, but it was impossible due to practical reasons. A larger material would possibly have altered the minimum and maximum values, but I believe that the averages would not have been altered considerably. The following table shows the composition of the material according to the species and sex. d ? ? Sum F. subbuteo 14 12 3 29 F. columbarius 18 22 4 44 F. eleonorae 1 ­2 3 F. tinnunculus 23 28 16 67 F. vespertinus 11 16 10 37 F. naumanni 4 2 1 7 Sum 71 80 36 187 The number of more important bones according to species and sex. F.subb. F.col. F.eleon. F.tinn. F.vesp. F.naum. 6 10 14 14 9 2 Cranium ? 8 19 ­22 12 1 ? ­4 1 12 6 ­6 10 14 _ 14 9 1 Mandibula ? 6 20 ­23 13 1 ? ­3 ­12 5 ­6 14 15 1 21 11 3 Coracoideum ? 11 20 ­27 13 2 . ? 3 2 2 16 10 1 6 14 16 1 21 11 3 Scapula ? 11 21 ­27 13 2 7 3 2 1 16 9 1 6 12 16 _ 17 10 3 Humerus ? 8 21 ­25 15 ­? ­2 1 15 7 2 7

