Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 21. (1996)
CT = the smallest thickness of corpus tibiotarsi (cranio-caudal direction) (Plate II, Figure 23). DW = distal width: measured on the cranial side between the edges of condylus medialis and cond. lateralis (Plate II, Figure 22). DH = distal height: the cranio-caudal measure of condylus medialis (or possibly cond. lateralis if it is larger) (Plate П, Figure 23). Tarsometatarsus (Plate II, Figures 24-27) GL = greatest length: measured between the eminentia intercondylaris and the distal edge of trochlea metatarsi III (Plate II, Figure 24). PW = proximal width: measured between the lateral edges of cotyla medialis and cotyla lateralis, including the crista lateralis hypotarsi (Plate II, Figure 24). HH = the greatest height of hypotarsus: measured from the highest point of crista medialis hypotarsi (plantar direction) perpendicular to the dorsal edge of tarsometartarsus (Plate II, Figure 26). FD = the depth of fossa infracotylaris dorsalis: measured from the dorsal edges of tarsometatarsus in the line of foramina vascularia proximalia (Plate II, Figure 27). CW = the smallest width of corpus tarsometatarsi (medio-lateral direction) (Plate II, Figure 24). DW = distal width: measured between the edges of trochlea metatarsi II and trochlea metatarsi IV (Plate II, Figure 24). DT = the transverse measure of the distal end of the bone: measured from the line connecting the dorso-lateral edges of trochlea metatarsi III and trochlea metatarsi IV to the apex of trochlea metatarsi II (Plate II, Figure 25). The digits of the foot (ossa digitorum pedis) Phalanges proximales et intermediae (Plate II, Figures 28) GL = the greatest length of the phalanx (including tuberculum extensorium). PW = proximal width: measured between the tuberculum collatérale mediale and tuberculum collatérale laterale. CW = the smallest width of corpus phalangis. DW = distal width: the width of capitulum phalangis. Phalanges distales (ungulares) (Plate II, Figures 29-30) GL = the greatest length of the talon: measured between the tuberculum extensorium and apex phalangis (Plate II, Figure 30). PW = proximal width (Plate II, Figure 29). PH = proximal height: measured between the tuberculum extensorium and tub. flexorium major (Plate II, Figure 30). 14