Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 20. (1995)

Hír, J.: A Lök-völgyi-barlang őslénytani ásatásának eredményei

À Ukuilgyi tartan« elaprajia. »• ТВЦаРМИЛЛКЬСГ. Fig. 2. The map of the Lök-völgyi Cave after KADIC et MOTTL (1938). A Lök-völgyi-barlang térképe KADIÓ et MOTTL (1938) szerint. In 1933 the group of О. Kadié left off the excavation of the cave, because they found the Homo sapiens neanderthalensis remains in the Subalyuk Cave (BARTUCZ et al, 1938) and the new locality was much more promising. A great deal of unexcavated sediment was left in the Lök-völgyi Cave. From 1933 to 1994 scientific study was not effected in the locality. In the August of 1994 the author and Mr. Lukács Mészáros together with a company of students started a "layer identifying excavation" in the cave. The aim of the work was the revision of the cave sedi­ments and the collection of microvertebrata material from the profile by fine-stratigraphical method and through washing. 18 samples (Figs. 3.,4.) were collected. All of them weighed 80-100 kg. The washing was made in the field with sieves of 0.8 mm. hole diamètre. Sorting was made by the author and by Miss Bea Bukovinszky during the winter of 1994-95. Up to the present only a research report (HÍR, 1994) and a competition essay (GECZY, 1995) have been published in manuscript on the excavation in 1994. 2. Description In the cleaned sequence (Fig. 2., 3.) 8 layers were distinguished. 8th layer: yellow debris, partially cemented by travertine (cave loess ?). The lowermost layer was very difficult to pick, because the hard and cemented breccia matrix. For the same reason we could not reach the lowermost point of the cave sediment. The thickness of the unknown part of the profile can be estimated to about 1 m. The samples no. 10.-18 were collected from the 8th layer. The fauna lists are given in the Tab. 1. 33

