Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 16. (1991)

Kertész, R.: Preliminary report on the research of Early Holocene period in the NW part of Great Hungarian Plain

Retouch and traces of use can be observed in the distal part of the right edge of the ventral surface of two blades (T. IV. 14 a-b, T. V. la-b) and in the medial part of the left and right edges of the ventral surface of two other bla­des, respectively (T. V. 2a-b, 3a-b). The distal part of one of these blades (T. IV. 14a-b) is obliquely cut off and on the other blade (Г. V. 2a-b) both the distal and proximal ends are cut off on the ventral surface. Altern retouch can be seen along the edges of a blade both the distal and proximal ends of which are cut off (T. IV. 18a-b). The right edge of this blade is retouched from the dor­sal surface and its left edge is retouched the ventral surface. There are two notched blades in the tool assemblage. One of them is retouched along its right edge in the medial part and at the distal end (T. V. 5). The other blade has an angular notch in the medial part of its left edge (T. V. 6). Geometric microliths : Both isoscele (T. V. 7-8) and asymmetrical triangles (T . V . 9) occur. Among the three trapezes one is a symmetrical, regular piece (T. V. 12) while the lateral edges of the two other pieces are not parallel to each other (T. V. 10-11). On the medial part of the right edge of one of these latter mentioned two tools the curst of the original nodule has remained where the implement is not worked (T. V. 10). The right side of the trapeze is conca­vely truncated (T. V. 11). Crescent-shaped knifes (segments) play also an impor­tant role in the microlithic assemblage (T. V. 13-14). Blades with smooth edges are predominant in the microlithic blade industry (T. III. 1-17). Supermicroliths are also present (< 15 mm) . The ventral surface of one of the microblades with smooth edges is ribbed (T. III. 0). Besides bla­des cut off diagonally (T. III. 18-19. T. IV. 1-9) and obliquely (T. IV. 11-13, 15) and their distal ends there is a blade cut diagonally at its both ends (T. IV. 17). At the distal end of a blade with smooth cdnes there are visible tra­ces nf working (T. V. 4). The medial fragment of a bulky smooth-edged blade (T. IV. 19) and a trapeze-shaped medial fragment of another blade (T. IV. 20) are considered to be half-made tools. The distal end of the latter mentioned blade is retouched. Among worked flakes there is a large bifacial implement (T. V. 15a-b). This implement which differs from the other implements in the material as regards both its size and the quality of manufacture is retouched on its surface here and there with scaly retouch and its base is shaped to be saw-like. The imple­ment is most, probably a scraper with three working edges the distal part of which had broken off. Among manufactured flakes a piece obliquely truncated at its distal end (T. VI. 2), a blade-like flake retouched on its right edge (T.VI. 1) and a retouched trapeziform flake (T. VI. 3) are worth to mention. \ As for cores the classical conical and cylindrical types are missing. The overwhelming part of the cores found at the site belongs to a more or less sphe­rical form; they are often "multi-oriented" with negatives of irregular blades and flakes. Pieces with a plane base (I. VI. 4a-b-c, 5a-b-c) as well as those with single and double bases (T. VI. 6a-b-c, 7a-b-c) are also present. The majority of lithic pieces consists of worked flakes (e.g. T. II. 13). Tool-manufacturing techniques include pearly, fan-shaped and scaly retouches and backed pieces. The industry is mostly microlithic (<35-40 mm), the tools are manufactured finely and carefully. The few larger pieces are roughly shaped, only their working parts are shaped. The raw material of the finds with a very few exception, like an obsidian core, is hydroquartzi te originated from the Mátra Mts. The surface of most of the hydroquartzite tools is covered by white patina . On the basis of the uniform microlithic character of the industry, of the presence of geometric microliths - first of all that of trapezes which represent a younger component among geometric types - and also on the basis of the techno­logical features we think that the material belongs to the Late Mesolithic. 34

