Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 16. (1991)

Fűköh, L.: Examinations on faunal-history of the Hungarian holocene Mollusc fauna (Characterization of the succession phase)

Here can be found the only typical level marker species, the Gyraulus ripa­rius. This species does not occur in Hungary now. Previously it was known from the end of the Pleistocene (KRflLOPP, E. 1973). Today the species is aleo quite rare even in Europe. Its occurrence was reported by Giber, P. - Meier-brook, С . - Ostermann, 0. (1900). According to LüZEK (1965) this species can be found in Czechoslovakia, too. After finding this species in Fejér-county at Sárrét, it was also found du­ring the later examinations in the sediments of Kolnn-lake, Köröslariány: Brick­works, Lesence: Nádas-lake (FUKÖH, L. 1909b). 8ut it is more important than the growing occurences, that its appearance is character istic for the final period of the lacustrian fauna succession and for fen formation in all cases. The new occurrence of Gyraulus riparius in Hungary - after the Post-Glacial - refers to the changed climate. It is shown by the change of Bithynia tentaculata - В i t h у ­nia leachi , too. 3.2. Correlation of the Hungarian and Central-European nialacn-zonqs Quaternary malacological ranging of Central-Europe was based on Czechosln­vakian data, primarily (HORACEK, I. - L02EK, V. 1988). Beside the malacological data the assemblage-zones worked out by the use of results of vertebrate palaeoontological ' data promise good basis for comparison for the Hungarian malacostratigraphy . In his study, cited above, L02EK ranges the Hoiocene in seven malaco-zones. С 1 zone Beside the dominance of Discus ruderatus , Bradybaena fruticum , Euomphalia strigella , characteristic species are Chondrula tridens , Pupilla muscorum and Vallonja costata . Characteristic feature is the decreasing of Pleistocene spe­cies. This zone can be date Pre-Boreal. С 2 zone Its fauna is similar to the previous one but begins the immigration of forest species and we can observe the expansion of Granaria frumentum . Steppe species are characteristic. The zone can be date Boreal. 0 zone Dominance of forest species ( Orcula dolitim , Ena montana , Cochlodina orthosto­ma , Macrogastra , Laciniaria , Bulgár ica , Ruthenica , D. perspecti vus , Oaudebardia , with decreasing of Helicopsis striata­Chondrula tridens association. Decreases the frequency of Vallonja costata , and increases the individual number ratio of Carychium tridentatum . The zone can be date Atlantic. E zone This is the optimum of forest species, and the maximum of Carychium tridenta­tum. Characteristic feature is the increasing of Laciniaria biplicata and the to­tal disappearance of ValIonia costata . lhis is the first appearance of the so called modsrn species, like Oxychilus inopinatus , Cepaca vindobonensis . The zone is dated Epi - Atlantic by LOZEK. F 1 zone Characteristic is the decreasing of forest species. Newly appearance and spre ading of species preffering open space can be observed. General of the presence of Cepaea vindobonensis and Oxychilus inopinatus . The zone can be date Sub-Boreal. 23

