Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 16. (1991)

Fűköh, L.: Examinations on faunal-history of the Hungarian holocene Mollusc fauna (Characterization of the succession phase)

The frequency of forest species is the characteristic feature of the Atlantic, like Acicula polita , Orcula doliolum , Aegopinella pura , Vitrea transsilvanica , Ruthenica filograna , Isognomnstoma isognomostoma . About LOZEK's Epi-Atlantic he says that this phase can be characterized by the 70 \ frequency of Ruthen^ ca filograna and Isognomostoma isognomostoma . The fauna of the Late-Holocene has changed as the result of anthrnpngeneus intervention. Xerotherm species forced on limestone territories ( Pyramidula rupestris , Pupilla sterri , Truncatellina cylindrica ) . Germany The Early-Holocene (Post-Glacial ) fauna of Germany is outlined by Dehm (1976) on the basis of fifty localities. The uniformity of faunas is shown by the per­manent occurrence of Discus ruderatus . The collective characteristic qualiti of the different faunas, beside the Discus ruderatus , is that we can f-ind species which are present in those Hungarian sediments which were formed during the Pleistocene - Holocene boundary: Granaria frumentum , Orcula doliolum , Chondrula tridens , Oxychilus depressus . The German Holocene is divided into three periods by Dehm. First period is the Boreal (early warm phase). The climate was warmer and more arid than today. The presence of hazel and early mixed oaken forests were characteristic for the vegetation. Second periou is the Atlantic / middle warm phase. The climate was humid and warmer with 2-3 С than nnwdays. Mixed oak tree forest was the typical vegetation. Third period is the Sub-Boreal (late warm phase). The clima­te was more arid than today. The mixed oak forests were changed by beeches in this period. Also well-known from German data - on the basis of malacological examinations of archeological findsites - that after the Pleistocene increases the ratio of species preferring open spaces, during the Boreal. And this ratio decreases in the Middle-Holocene . The Pleistocne-Holocene transitional fauna is characterized with the general presence of Discus ruderatus , by Rähle. LOZEK' s activity have exerciesed great influence on the method of the above mentioned investigations. The transitional Pleistncene-Holocene fauna was des­cribed as "ruderatus fauna" by him. According to the faunal analysises this spe­cies was constant element to the north and to the west of Hungary. The occurence of Discus ruderatus was sporadic in Hungary. It is why not used for the charac­terzation»of the Hungarian Early-Holocene faunal phase. The only place where we can observe the consequent presence of Discus ruderatus is the Early-Holocene sediments of Kőlyuk II.-cave, which is more, the ruderatus/rotundatus change, mentioned by RAHLE (1983), is demonstrable here. Late-Holocene sediments do not contain this species. We have sporadec data from the deposits of the next loca­lities: Rejtek I.-rock shelter III. block, Muflon-cave, Csúnya-valley rock •shelters I. and III. According to me, there is no or have not been uncorvered yet sediments containing similar faunal assemblages on the territory of the Hun­garian medium high mountain ranges. 4. MALACOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE HUNGARIAN HOLOCENE FORMATIONS We have got acquainted with successional progresses of the Holocene faunas of the medium high mountain ranges and subsided zones. There is an opprtunit pre­sents itself to use this progress for the concrete reconstruction of the events of the Holocene Age, and for raising these phases of development to the level of biostratigraphy with help of partly delimitation of the succession's chronologi­cal order, partly with description of characteristic associations. As it was mentioned in the introductory chapter KR0L0PP, (1983) proved that the Pleistoce­ne Mollusc fauna is suitable for it. Dissection of the Hungarian Holocene were performed by the data of pollen and vertebrate examinations untill this time. In the Czech and Slovakian Republich as a result of LOZEK's activity, the knowledge of the Holocene Mollusc fauna enabled marking of chronozones. This dissertation is the first attempt to dismember the Hungarian Holocene formations on the basis of the basis of the Mollusc fauna of the sediments accor ding to the data are available and with help of the performed correlations. 20

