Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 13. (1988)

FŰKÖH, L. - VARGA, A.: Cretaceous and eocene corals in the collections of Mátra Museum

Fol. Hist.-nat. Mus. Matr., 13: 5-11, 1988 Cretaceous and eocene corals in the collections of Mátra Museum FÜKÖH Levente, VARGA András Gyöngyös, Mátra Múzeum ABSTRACT: Authors report the cretaceous and eocene coral material of the palaeontological collection of Mátra Museum. The specimens had been collected by Ferenc LEGÁNYI in the Bükk Mountain. The classification was made by Prof. Gábor K0L0SVÁRY. Authors marked the lectotypes of 5 species out of the syntypes of the collection during the ordering of the material ( Dendrogyra pannonica KOLOSVARY, Smilotrochus hungaricus K0L0SVÁRY, Cylicosmilia leganyii KOLOSVARY , Cyathoseris leganyii KOLOSVARY , Actinacis phineus K0L0SVÁRYX The palaeontological collection of the Dobó István Vármúzeum, Eger, was transferred to Gyöngyös in 1985, where the total rearrangement and revision of it had begun. A considerable number of coral material came in sight during this work. (Carboniferous, Trias, Cretaceous, Eocene, Oligocène, Miocene.) We undertook the ordering of the cretaceous and eocene corals. These fossils had been collected by Ferenc Legányi in the Bükk Mountain, the classification (processing) and publication to a certain extent of them had been made by Prof. Gábor KOLOSVARY (1954, 1956). We marked the lectoypes of 5 species out of the type-specimens (syntypes) of the material, which were found during this work, and summarized the results in lists of types , species and localities. In the species-list the specimen number can be found separated by a virgule behind the inventory number . TYPE-LIST Dendrogyra pannonica KOLOSVARY 1954 Ann. Inst. Geo! . Hung., 42: 70-71, 125, Table XIV, Figs. 7-8. Table XI, Figs 1-3. Lectotype : Bükk Mountain, Nekézseny, jocsös Valley (cretaceous), 1951. Leg. Ferenc LEGÁNYI. Dimensions: 67 x 126 mm. Coll. Mátra Múzeum Gyöngyös (MMGY) 55.4886 (Depicted specimen). Smilotrochus hungaicus KOLOSVARY 1956 Földtani Közlöny, 86 (1): 71-72, Table 16, Figs. 1-3. Lectotype : Bükk Mountain: Noszvaj, Vár-kút (Upper eocene), 1953, Leg: Ferenc LEGÁNYI. Dimensions: 23 x 14 mm. MMGY. 55. 3491/A. Paralectotype : Bükk Mountain: Noszvaj, Vár-kút (Upper eocene), 1953. leg: Ferenc LEGÁNYI. Dimensions: 7 x 11; 12 x 10,5 mm. MMGY. 55. 3491/B (2 pes). Cylicosmilia leganyii KOLOSVARY 1956 Földtani Közlöny, 86 (1): 72, Table 18, Figs. 1-4, 9-10. L ectotype .- Bükk Mountain: Noszvaj, Cseres (Upper eocene), 1953. leg. Ferenc LEGÁNYI. Dimensions: 11,2 x 10,8 mm. MMGY. 55.3500/A. (Demicted specimen Table 18, Figs. 1, 3.). Paralectotipe : Bükk Mountain: Noszvaj, Cseres (Upper eocene), 1953. leg. Ferenc LEGÁNYI. Dimen­sions: 10 x 11,4 mm. MMGY. 55.3500/B (1 pc) (Depicted specimen Table 18, Fig. 4.) Cyathoseris leganyii KOLOSVARY 1956 Földtani Közlöny, 86 (1): 76, Table 16, Fig. 10. Lectotype : Bükk Mountain: Noszvaj, Cseres (Upper eocene), 1953. leg. Ferenc LEGÁNYI. Dimensions: 57 x 70 mm area of a coral colony on an Ostrea. MMGY. 55.3398 (De­picted specimen) . Actinacis phineus KOLOSVARY 1956 Földtani Közlöny, 86 (1): 70-79, Table 19. Figs. 9-10. Lectotype : Bükk Mountain: Noszvaj, Vár-kút (Upper eocene), 1953. leg. Ferenc LEGÁNYI. Dimensions: 34,5 x 17 mm. MMGY. 55.3510 (Depicted specimen: Table 19, Fig 10.) Paralectotype : Bükk Mountain: Noszvaj, Cseres (Upper eocene), 1953. leg. Ferenc LEGÁNYI. Dimensions: 20 x 10; 15 x 9 mm. MMGY. 55.3517 (2 pes) (Depicted specimens: Table 19., Fig. 9.).

