Veres Gábor szerk.: Agria 45. (Az Egri Múzeum Évkönyve - Annales Musei Agriensis, 2009)

Misóczki Lajos: Heves és Külső-Szolnok vármegye a Rákóczi-szabadságharc idején

VÁGÓ Ferenc 1896 A gyöngyösi Kath. Községi Nagygymnasium története 1634-től 1895-ig. Gyöngyös R. VÁRKON YI Ágnes 1986 Az önálló fejedelemség utolsó évtizedei (1660-1711) = MAKKAI László­SZÁSZ Zoltán szerk.: Erdély története. II. köt., 1606-tól 1830-ig. Budapest 1989 Szabadságharc az állami önállóságért. EMBER Győző-HECKENAST Gusztáv főszerk.: Magyarország története 1686-1790. 4/1. köt. Budapest VÉGH József 1909 Tiszafüred. BOROVSZKY Samu szerk.: Heves vármegye. Budapest WINDISCH, Karl Gottlieb 1734 Kurzgesasste Geschichte der Ungern von den ältesten, bis auf die issigen zeiten. Pressburg ZACHAR József 2003 „Egy ezred évi szenvedés" Fejezetek a magyarság hadi történelméből. Mar­tonvásár Lajos Misóczki The County of Heves and Outer Szolnok during the Rákóczi War for Freedom As early as 1703 the peasant population and the nobility of the joint county of Heves and Outer Szolnok were not only prepared to join forces in the unfolding show of popular defiance, they also supported the armed forces sworn to serve the king and the rebel nobles in Ferenc Rákóczi IT's War for Freedom. They took the castles at Szolnok and Hatvan. The joint county was an important strategic region throughout the conflict. It provided Rákóczi with a solid political, military and economic platform, while also occupying a central position geographically. The joint county remained a solid campaigning area, and was tireless in its support for the War for Freedom. It was thanks to this support that the market town of Gyöngyös, in the Heves part of the county, came to host the first and the second ceasefire and peace negotiations that took place in 1704. Although both proved unsuccessful, they were followed with some interest both in Hungary and abroad. Despite the war conditions the postal system continued to operate. Before Rákóczi took possession of Szolnok's southern fortress, Eger was considered to be his military and diplomatic centre. In Eger Rákóczi found a firm 172

