Agria 43. (Az Egri Múzeum Évkönyve - Annales Musei Agriensis, 2007)

Batári Zsuzsanna: A filkeházi lakóház a Szabadtéri Néprajzi Múzeum Észak-Magyarország tájegységében

PETERCSÁK TIVADAR 1978 Hegyköz. Herman Ottó Múzeum. Miskolc. 1998 Baromfitartás Filkeházán. In: Néprajzi tanulmányok az Északi-kö­zéphegység vidékéről. 73-89. Debrecen. Folklór és Etnográfia 98. (Szerk. Ujváry Zolzán) 2001 Filkeháza évszázadai és hagyományai. Filkeháza. 2001 SZABADFALVI JÓZSEF 1967 Népi méhészkedés a Zempléni-hegyvidék középső részén. In: Ethnographia LXXVIII. 41-64. SZOLNOKY LAJOS 1972 Alakuló munkaeszközök: A magyar népi kenderrost-megmunkálás. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó. Zsuzsanna Batári The Dwelling House from Filkeháza, in the Northern-Hungarian regional unit of the Hungarian Open Air Museum The paper is about the history, structure and rebuilding of a special dwelling house which was translocated into the Northern-Hungarian regional unit of the Hungarian Open Air Museum. The Northern-Hungarian regional unit, representing the authentic folk architecture, interiors and way of life of the Northern-Hungarian region (Nógrád, Heves, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Counties) from the late 19 th-early 20 th centuries, is not yet ready, but planned to be built in the near future. Among its eleven dwellings there is one house from Filkeháza, a village which is situated in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County. The house with a room-kitchen-stable layout will be rebuilt in its late 19 th century condition, with timber-framed walls, thatched roof and an oven inside the room. This latter fireplace will be a unique reconstruction of a peculiar type of oven, which cannot be examined elsewhere in the country, either in an original form or as a reconstruction. The furnishings of the building will be also made as reconstructions as part of an interactive exhbition, so as the visitors of the Hungarian Open Air Musem can try out the furniture when entering the building. 128

