Agria 41. (Az Egri Múzeum Évkönyve - Annales Musei Agriensis, 2005)

Csiffáry Gergely: Mekcsey István egri várkapitány életrajzához

VERESS D. Csaba 1986 A szegedi vár. Zrínyi Katonai Kiadó. Budapest. Zsigmondkori Oklevéltár II. (1400-1410) Második rész. 1958 (1407-1410) Összeállította: Mályusz Elemér. Budapest. Gergely Csiffáry Towards a Biography of István Mekcsey, Castellan of Eger The author has gathered together all the available historical data relating to István Mekcsey, colleague of István Dobó and castellan of Eger Castle, during its successful defence in 1552. This study records Mekcsey's ancestors during the Angevin period, and introduces the reader to István Mekcsey's more immediate family members, including his brothers György, provost of Zips; László, John Sigismund prince of Transylvania's court notary; and Ferenc, Zips's treasurer canon. The first reference to István Mekcsey appears in 1536 as a landowner in the county of Baranya in relation to an investiture of lands. In 1542 he is still only referred to as a landowner in the written sources. Between 1547 and 1549 the future castellan of Eger Castle is already in pos­session of some important and prominent posts, being castellan of Huszt and bailiff of the Máramaros Salt Chambers. In 1550 he was given several diplomatic assign­ments by Ferdinand I during the course of negotiations with the Turks. With the help of his influential supporters on the governor's council the king named him castellan of Eger Castle in January 1511 alongside István Dobó. Soon after his appointment he married Eszter Szunyogh at a ceremony held in the castle. It was as deputy castellan in 1552 that he played an important and prominent role in the defence of the castle. Following the siege he resigned his post along with István Dobó. In the middle of March 1553, when on his way to his wife, he became involved in a military incident with the local inhabitants at Sajóvárkony, where he lost his life. The study is accompanied by seven illustrations relating to István Mekcsey. 131

