Szilasi Ágota, H.: Örökségünk védelme és jövője 1. A Dobó István Vármúzeumban 2014. február 7-8-án megrendezett Tudományos Konferencia tanulmánykötete - Studia Agriensia 32. (Eger, 2016)

Nagy László: Az egri várbeli Zárkándy-bástya és Északkeleti-Fülesbástya 2013-as próbafeltárása

NAGY LASZLO FELHASZNÁLT IRODALOM Nagy László 2014 Az egri várbeli Zárkándy-bástya és Északkeleti-fülesbástya 2013. évi próbafeltárása. In: Castrum 2014/1-2. Castrum Bene Egyesület, 96-107. Détshy Mihály - Kozák Károly 1972 Egervára. In: Dercsényí Dezső - Voit Pál (szerk.): Heves megye műemlékei II. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 105—115. Domokos György 2000 Ottavio Baldigara. Egy itáliai várfundáló mester Magyarországon. Balassi Kiadó, Budapest, 2000. Kárpáti János 2004 Az egri vár „titkos"föld alatti világa. Motívum, Eger, 2004. Berecz Mátyás - Giber Mihály 2009 Eger Castle. In: Castrum, 2009/2. Castrum Bene Egyesület, 66-67. Sugár István 1969 Amikor az egri várat vasútvonallal kettévágták. In: Az Egri Vár Híradója 8. Eger, 15-24. Pataki Vidor 1934 Az egri vár élete. Történelmi tanulmány. Különlenyomat a ciszterci rend egri Szent Bernát-Gimnáziumának 1933/34. évi értesítőjéből. Érseki Líceumi Könyvnyomda, Eger. LÁSZLÓ NAGY THE 2013 EXPLORATORY EXCAVATION AT THE ZÁRKÁNDY BASTION AND THE NORTHWESTERN ÜT BASTION AT EGER CASTLE There was a time when the Zárkándy Bastion was an integral part of the castle. It was in the mid 1550s that the first captain Pál Zárkándy built the irregular four-cornered bastion at the time the castle was divided in two. It was at this point that the Sándor Bastion which stood to the southwest of it became one of the castles most important defences on the castle’s northern side. Remodelling ot a more serious nature took place during the 1570s, when the Italian military architect Ottavio Baldigara added the Northeastern cut bastion, and by adding to the walls to the south built during the Perényi and Zárkándy periods brought into existence the defences you can still see today. It is the badly ruined evidence of these double defences that best illustrates the nature of this reconstruction; despite this it is the Zárkándy Bastion name that still continues to be used today. It was during theconstruction of the Eger-Putnok railway line in 1906-1907, and the reconstruction work that accompanied it, that the bastion beca­me separated from the main body of the castle, in doing so losing its raison d’etre. During the course of the 20th century this state of affairs continued and the bastion was allowed to fall into a state of decay. The preliminary excavation of the bastion took place between 25th September and 9lh November 2013. The aim of the research was to gain information about the way the filling within the double defences was layered and whether the data could help us in our archaeological understanding of the object. This investigation was also necessary for the reconstruction of the bastion and for the plan to make it more accessible to the general public. This paper offers a short account of this excavation project. 73

