Berecz Mátyás - Bujdosné Pap Györgyi - Petercsák Tivadar (szerk.): Végvár és mentalitás a kora újkori Európában - Studia Agriensia 31. (Eger, 2015)

POLGÁR MARIANNA: Adalékok a vasi végek 17. századi történetéhez. Csányi Bemát (1630-1664) katonai tevékenysége

Marianna Polgár SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE 17™ CENTURY FRONTIER REGIONS OF VAS COUNTY The Military Activities of Bernât Csányi (1630-1664) Following the siege and the subsequent occupation of Kanizsa by the Turks in 1600, the defence of the Zala, Vas and Mura region increased in impor­tance on account of the destruction in part of the original line of defence after 1600. This meant that a new system of defensive fortresses had to be built in the counties of Zala and Vas. Consequently plans were drawn up and the county assemblies went about discussing the defensive possibilities. The measures that were taken included the construction of a stockade along the Rába, and the provision of crossing points (fords) over the river between Sárvár and Szent- gotthárd. Of all the frontier positions lying on the banks of the Rába between Szent- gotthárd and Körmend it is Csákány, Szentpéter, Tótfalu and Körmend that feature in Bemát Csányi’s life and military career. Among the documents in the Batthyány Archive are some letters and reports written to Ádám Batthyány dating from the period 1654-1658. In the 16th century Tótfalu came into the possession of the Csányi family together with Felsőmarác. In 1549, Márton and Ákos Csányi had been recorded as the owners of Marác, Tótfalu and Nagytilaj. It was here that György Csányi had a palace built, which was subsequently remodelled and fortified. According to our findings it was in his capacity as Border Castle officer that the head of the Csányi family was entitled to a special place at the Batthyánys’ table in Németújvár, and that he was also the captain of the Csákány cavalry. Bemát Csányi was bom in 1630, the son of György Csányi and Kata Sylvester. Preparations for Bemát Csányi’s military career took place at the court of the Batthyány family. Following the death of his father, Bemát took control of the Tótfalu estate, before moving to Csákány in 1650. In 1658 Batthyány appointed a new captain to Csákány. Csányi returned to Szentpéter, before going to Egerszeg, where he was vice-captain from 287

