Berecz Mátyás - Bujdosné Pap Györgyi - Petercsák Tivadar (szerk.): Végvár és mentalitás a kora újkori Európában - Studia Agriensia 31. (Eger, 2015)

ZAY ORSOLYA: „Hátra van még a fekete leves”. Az egri vár oszmán-török fajansz-és kínaiporcelán-töredékei

ÉVA SZIRÁCSIK: István Koháry II Soldier and Accumulator of Estates ........................................................................ 217 PÉTER BÁLLÁ: Gergely Bornemissza’s Son János and his Military and Political Career .............................................................................. 247 M ARIANNA POLGÁR: Some Observations on the 17th Century Frontier Regions of Vas County. The Military Activities of Bemát Csányi (1630-1664) ................. 271 K ÁLMÁN MÉSZÁROS: “Either the liberation of my homeland, or death”. István Rózsa Border Castle Warrior in the Rákóczi Camp ....................................................................................... 289 CIESIELSKI, TOMASZ: Erődítmények Lengyelország dél-keleti határain a 18. században .................................................... 309 PÉTER ILLIK: Everyday Life in Peacetime in the Light of a 1616 Damage Inventory ...................................................................... 323 ZOLTÁN IGOR KOMJÁTI: “So that we can also strike the dog’s snout again...”. Fülek Garrison Clashes with Turkish Troops during the Period of István Koháry’s High Command (1667-1682)........... 335 IS TVÁN SERES: The Role of Ajnácskő Castle at the Time of the Turkish Expulsion, with Special Reference to its Relationship with Fülek Castle........................................................................................... 367 LAJOS NÉGYES!: Research into Early Modem Ottoman Battlefields in Hungary............................................................................................. 391 EMESE VARGA: The Arrival and Spread of Smoking Among the Border Castle soldiers .......................................................................... 399 ORSOLYA ZAY: “The worst is yet to come”. Ottoman-Turk Faience and Chinese Porcelain Fragments at Eger Castle ............................ 417 44 4

