Petercsák Tivadar - Berecz Mátyás (szerk.): Információáramlás a magyar és török végvári rendszerben - Studia Agriensia 20. (Eger, 1999)

SAHIN-TOTH PÉTER: A vallon-francia katonaság sajátos szerepe a hadviselő felek közötti kapcsolatokban a tizenöt éves háború idején

STUDIA AGRIENSIA 20, 1999 Sahin-Tóth Péter A VALLON-FRANCIA KATONASÁG SAJÁTOS SZEREPE A HADVISELŐ FELEK KÖZÖTTI KAPCSOLATOKBAN A TIZENÖT ÉVES HÁBORÚ IDEJÉN ABSTRACT: Péter Sahin-Tóth: The Unique Role of the Walloon-French Troops in Relations between the Belligerents during the Fifteen Years' War. In the summer of 1600 the more than 1000 French and Walloon Imperial mercenaries stationed in the castle of Pápa mutinied because of the lack of their payment. The rebels decided in the end to hand the place over to the Ottomans. The fact that this did not actually take place was due to the intervention of the Imperial army. However, their defeat did not hinder the survivors of the rebellion from offering their services to the sultan. As a result of this defection the Ottoman army had at its disposal a unit made up of a sub­stantial number of trained practitioners in western warfare who were familiar with cus­toms, plans and weaknesses of the enemy. The French mercenaries’ defection increased considerably the danger of unexpected Turkish attacks on fortresses and defense posts in Hungary. Since the deserters maintained contacts with their former brothers in arms the Imperial high command had to be worried both about change of information between them and about sub­versive influence of the ‘renegades’ among the French and Walloon troops of the Imperial army. Although these activities could be counteracted through increased precautionary measures, the fact that French mercenaries continued to serve the sul­tan for the last years of the war in the same number suggests that the deserters’ attempts did not remain without effect. They were able to persuade several Christian soldiers to join their ranks and assured in this way the surviving of the troop. A magyarországi „hosszú török háború” (1593-1606), de általában a ma­gyarországi török elleni harcok történetében is egyedülálló epizód a császári hadsereg Pápán elszállásolt vallon-francia ezredének lázadása 1600 nyarán, s főként e zendülés kimenetele. A tisztjeikkel és a császári hadvezetéssel szem­beforduló zsoldosok ugyanis a környékbeli, majd a legmagasabb rangú oszmán vezetőkkel folytattak alkudozást a kezükre került végvár átadásáról, illetve 227

