Dr. Fűköh Levente szerk.: Malakológiai Tájékoztató 3. (Eger, 1983.)

S. Szigethy Anna: A Természettudományi Múzeum Mollusca Gyűjteménye

the same of the Scaphopodae and cca 20 items of the Cephalo­podae to be found in the museum. A considerable part of the total sum of the items is formed by the snails, mainly the ter­restrial and the fresh-water ones. We have about four thou­sand items of freshwater and marine shells. The number of the items of the snails (Gastropoda) in the inventory book is above 16 000. The inventory book cantains only items with well determined exact provenance, indicating also the number of pieces. We also make notice of pieces re­moved for exchange or examination. The uninveutorized, but indentified material reaches 10—12 000 items, and there are about 2—3000 items of snails to be elaborated. The snail shells were groupped in three groups in 1982 as well:the terrestrial and freshwater shells in Hungary, the world material and the marine snails. Since that time the Hungarian collection has been groupped, to gain space, in the word mate­rial, thus the order of the terrestrial and freshwater snails is un­broken from the Neritidae till he Helicidae, disregarding geog­raphical distribution. Not even the Hungarian species can be found in the collection in their totality: 5 Hungarian species are missing from the museum collection. At least some items of the European, mainly Central European species would ba­sically be necessary, anyhow, we can exhibit satisfactory col­lection only from the Balcanic countries, with the help of pri­vate collectors. There are only a few families in the collection where the number of the species is adequate as comparative material for indentification. Most of the families are represen­ted by but a low number of species. Some of the more impor­tant groups: Hydrobiidae (cca 130 species), Clausiliidae (cca 350 species), Endodontodae (cca 50 species), Zonitidae (cca 90 spe­cies). The Balkan collections (Jugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece) arc the most important ones from Europe. We have relatively many Gastropoda species from overseas regions like Cuba, Australis, New-Zealand. A larger part of the collections from Ghana, Kongo, Tansania and India cannot be identified fox lack of technical literature. TO

