Krankovics Ilona szerk.: Numizmatika és a társtudományok II. (Debrecen, 1996)

Karlovits Károly: Szent István fontja és a magyar kereskedelmi mértékrendszer

?• INTERNATIONAL CRITICAL TABLES RATIONAL AND LOCAL SYSTEMS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES CHYLES-EDOUARD GUILLAUME AND CHARLES VOLET PUn.—Sectk'i'. A: International Metric System; list of countries in whish its use was compulsory on January 1, l!)2ô; list of those "in srbich itsuac y>o.s either legally optional or partially compulsory on game date. •Section B: Other modern systeiru; the more important units it present in URO or in use before adoption of metric system, Section 0: Weights and measure? of antiquity. Style and Abbreviations.—Only the singular number of the ne.tncs of the units are used; ten meters will appear as 10 meter. Units of area end of volunw will be written in the form centi­meter 9 {••cui*) and centimeter 1 ("=cm'), respectively. ca. Value given is only approximate. cb. T.'nhs Kaya chinged from time to time. cm* Squire centimeter '» centimètre carrí - Quadrai­zeMirnctcr » ctr.ümet.'o quadrato. current Uliiui, other than metric, which arc nor.' in uee; some of tltc units included in this class arc practically obsolète. (See Local.) be*! Units of local or native origin or derivation which are in use, but which are embraced neither by the . , m:tric system nor by tint of the central govern­or at. Applies mainly to colonial possessions. Ci'f! Currer.t.) m* QvM - "iter «< mftre cube - Kubikmeter = metro ni.e. :&-:eraaï:c-:uu metric system compulsory since . . . m.o. Istcruatioanl metric system legally optional since . . older liniü UÍ"H1 before adoption of international metric syst er.; older * Tue okL* units were those of . . . provincial Uuits vary from one province or city to another, since . . - . . . Since . . . the unit! have been the same as those of . v. l'.'.ii' - see. var. Units sre variable, not réridiv defined. A. INTERNATIONAL MKTKIC EiYSTEM The ilcdotal metric system, established in Franco by lie Loi du 7 Avril, 1705, end represented by standards deposited in the Archives de France, became international on May 20, 1S75, by (lie action of the Convention Internationale- du Mètre. The now .itcudird.i, of platinuiii-iridium, constructed at I h il time and scrv­i:r: as the batinni the international tatärM, MIR copied from the :t­nf the Ar.l.iváa. On January 1, 1925, the metric system was compulsory in: AIJKÍÍ Crttcu Pun Atlvnu^Qc Guam * Poland Arfc&iint CuatercaU Porto Ricu Auitrii fiidü Pjrtucnl sod colonie Autricha Holknd Rotnaiù BetgiuiB Kendural I'.u.jn Boiirä líuogary Ëiividor Dre:ü ïcclitd tiltwedra Buijiití.i Usty & cstassu Rchu-ciï Chile .'űjiso Berúii-CriiaüVí-iúvéti Co!uüib!& Kolumbien Seychelles Ialaods Conjo, Bris;»» i>on,;o, BÍ'IP'KIC Si.".r» Coali Ri:» Kúbi Sinio C:bi Lr.ttsiticrj Ku!ii» Ctcches! avilit ». i.alca ïaiiso Denan;!: r.turitilti Brtsit DoB'JCÜiad M<asM Srititn Etüidcr ;.';ittr!andj A colunin 8»«i« r......... • - .S«it»ci'l.icd _ ., TcWctti.ovM)u:ii HMM Korwiv „, . Filipíilna (jíízih ÜMmri Finiiuil íuíoTMiph l*.,u]ic,ii. Faute Pasam t": jjuay Csrmary I'ay-lla« £ (olouin Vc:ieíut!:. Gnppfiin Psiüppiae iiieda Yugoslavia On the same dat..'. it (raj legally optional or partially complus» írj], Free Statt ii: : Canada Chin» Htypl Ethiopia Cleat Hntia= b:iia, V.últiS Ireland, Northern : 'irsiiuny Turkey l/r.itud íilatr. The fundamental units ere: Mm (m), which is the dktanre at 0°C between the axes of two iitica ntled on the prototype deposited at ti'.: Bureau international des Toiài et Mesura. Sèvres, Francs; KILWÎRAII (kg), which is '.lie maü? ci* the prototype deposited at the sitme Bureau; end LtTsn (1), which is the volume or one kilogram cí punt water at the temperature of its ma.\;n;'j;., density, under the pressure of one not mal atmosphere-.' The primary units <;f il;« system tire the iccicr (m), niUTte in) » 10"' inctcr, jrei-i lg) = IP" 1 kilogram, Hier (1), ore (a) ­area of a square with u Miic ifl meter lon.e, utid slere (s) - volume cf ;i cube fiitll an c<i^e rm'j meter lone;. The units of area |:if volume), characterized by the adjective square [lubic]. arc íiúi dciivod from a primary unit, but are each dclined es tin area [volume) 'J a square [vuho| with [edge] equal to the slated uiii". cf length. The nate.-s of other teumdury units arc formed liv attarhi'.ig tn the name ni a primarv unit rwUin |ireű\rs of BUxtry­i'lf; sigüiik'Hßer. • Koraiftt ulnn.; ln:rc. • > 1 ltfipiuîiïîvo FaoM Y.;li.<:.\Ti.iNAl. CklTfCAIi TAJILKS Vül.OMK 1 TO 15 1. sz. ábra: Ch. Ed. Guillaume közleményének címoldala

