Magyari Márta szerk.: A Debreceni Déri Múzeum Évkönyve 2008-2009 (2010)

TERMÉSZETTUDOMÁNY - Dudás Miklós: A vörös kánya (Milvus milvus) magyarországi fészkelési viszonyai és állomány-fenntartási lehetőségei

A VÖRÖS KÁNYA (MILVUS MILVUS) MAGYARORSZÁGI FÉSZKELÉSI VISZONYAI ÉS ÁLLOMÁNY-FENNTARTÁSI LEHETŐSÉGEI 11 IRODALOM Bársony Gy. A debreceni erdők madárfaunája (1931-1934) Aquila (344­346.) Haraszthy L. Gyakorlati ragadozómadár-védelem. (1993., 1996.) Lakatos K. Magyarország orvmadárfaunája (1910) Budapest (211) Lovassy 5. (cit. Nagy j.) Mike P. The Red Kite re-introduction project. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Monkstone House City Road. Peterborough Cambridgeshire PEI iJ Y Red Kite Scottish Newsletter No. 9 Spring RSPB Scotland Nagy J. Európa ragadozó madarai(i943) Debrecen, Tiszántúli Madárvé­delmi Egyesület Pátkai I. Ragadozó madaraink. Budapest Nimród (1947) Pátkai I. Ragadozómadár-kutatások az 1949. és 50. években. Aquila 55­58. (1954) 75-79. Tapfer D. Vörös kánya és Barna kánya a Kelet-Bakonyban. A Veszprém Me­gyei Múzeumok közleményei(i973) 12. évf. Udvardy M. Hortobágy madárvilága Tiscia(i94i) Jean-Marc Thiollay. The Red Kite in Europa: Unprecedented Decline and a Call for Action Bank L.-Váczi M.-Bagyura J. Vörös kánya állományadatok Heliaca-Évkönyv 2004. Bagyura J.-Bank L.-Váczi M. Vörös kánya állományadatok Heliaca-Évkönyv 2005. Dudás M. A vörös kánya visszatelepítése Élet- és Tudomány 2001. február 23.8. szám Miklós Dudás Breeding status and conservation of the Red Kite (Milvus milvus) in Hungary The major part of the Red Kite's breeding population is cocentrated in Western Europe (Germany, Spain, France, Switzerland, etc.). Its distribution - that extends up to the Black Sea - is getting sparse int he east. Its nesting was recorded in North Africa also. The Red Kite is absent from Denmark, the major part of the British Isles and coastline of Wes­tern Europe. Int he first two decades of this century it was a characteristic breeding species int he forests and open woodland of the Great Plain in Hunga­ry. According to Lovassy it bred in 20-25 pairs in Great Forest near Debre­cen in 1898. Afterwards in 1929 he published his observations of 14 Red Kites that were simultaneously present in the breeding season in a forest called Pac int he open woodlands near Debrecen. In 1926 there was but one Red Kite's nest found in the Great Forest (Bársony, 1934). As shown by date it is clear the breeding populations of the Great Plain began to decline int he 1920-ies. According to Jenő Nagy's studies of the birds of prey in the forests around Debrecen (Guth, Haláp, Pac, Savós Guth) it is getting rare as a breeding species. Its last verified nesting in this area was recorded in 1959 in the Great Forest of Debrecen - one of its youngs was given to the zoo of Debrecen (B. Kovács, 1965). The last residences of the declining populations were in the mountains. Four nests found in 1949 by Dezső Tapfer int he Bükk and Zemplén mountains, and six pairs were known int he Bakony and Vértes mountains. In 1950 one pair of Red Kites bred in Sarkad, near the Tisza river. Between 1965 and 1967 there was one pair breeding int he Pilis mountains. This decrease resulted in only 25-30 pairs at the beginning of the sixties. Presently it doesn't breed regulary, the number of pairs that breed irregularly is not more than two or three. The ramnants of the breeding populations int he Carpatian Basin are instabile, the number of the breeding pairs are about critical value in Slovakia 15-20 pairs, in the Czech Republic 50-60 pairs, no data available from Romania and Ukrainian part ofthe Carpathians, a couple of breeding pairs in the Bihar mountains and int he Transylvanian Basin. Besides it is probable that the Central European populations is not closely connected with the stabile Western European ones. This assumption is supported by the fact, that it occurs in a higher number each winter in this area. We know of some regularly used overwintering areas in Hajdü-Biharcounty (in Bihar: Földes, Biharkeresztes, Kaba, Hajdúnánás, Pród). These bird used to fly around in pairs(?) keeping close to open-air deposits of carcasses in wintertime. It is possible that these are the pairs breeding in the neighbouring countries that spend the winter here. The vagrant Red Kites nowadays can be seen more regularly than before in spring, summer and early int he autumn. It was observed in the following places in the past few years: Angyal­háza, Nagyiván (G. Kovécs), Darassa (I. Fintha), Magdolna, Szandalik (L. Ecsedi, J. Tar). Since it is the task ofthe European countries to provide effective protection for this endangered species of bird Hungary should

