A Debreceni Déri Múzeum Évkönyve 2006 (Debrecen, 2007)

Természettudomány - Juhász Lajos–Antal Zsuzsanna: A Hajdúbagosi Földikutya Rezervátum Teremészetvédelmi Terület herpetofaunisztikai felmérése

A HAJDÚBAGOSI FÖLDIKUTYA REZERVÁTUM TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI TERÜLET HERPETOFAUNISZTIKAI FELMÉRÉSE 31 20oid Üdülés, idegenforgalom. In: Mazsu I. (szerk.). 2002. Hajdúbago­si Földikutya Rezervátum kezelési terve: 52. Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Debrecen. MOLNÁR 2001 Fizikai jellemzők. In: Mazsu I. (szerk.). 2002. Hajdúbagosi Földik­utya Rezervátum kezelési terve: 12-14. Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Debrecen. ORSZÁGOS MFTEOROLÓGIAI SZOLGÁLAT (OMSZ) 2006 Magyarországi mért adatok: Debrecen 2006.07.17. http://www . met.hu/omsz.php?almenu_id=weather&pid=megfigyeles&m px=o&kps=i&pri=iCstt=Debrecen Utolsó hozzáférés: 2006.07. 18. RAKONCZAYZ. (SZERK.) 1988 Csévharaszttól Bátorligetig. Az Észak-Alföld természeti értékei. Mezőgazdasági Könyvkiadó, Budapest V. SIPOS J.-VARGAZ. 1988 A Hajdúbagosi Földikutya Rezervátum. Természettudományos Tájékoztató II/1:65-76. MME Debreceni Helyi Csoport, Debrecen VARGAZ. 2001 Biológiai jellemzők. In: Mazsu I. (szerk.). 2002. Hajdúbagosi Föl­dikutya Rezervátum kezelési terve: 15-43. Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Debrecen. 2001 Állattenyésztés, legeltetés. In: Mazsu I. (szerk.). 2002. Hajdúba­gosi Földikutya Rezervátum kezelési terve: 46. Hortobágyi Nem­zeti Park Igazgatóság, Debrecen. Juhász, Lajos-Antal, Zsuzsanna THE HERPETOFAUNISTIC SURVEY OF THE LESSER MOLE RAT RESERVATION OF HAJDÚBAGOS NATURE CONSERVATION AREA The great pasture of Hajdúbagos stands for a unique nature conserva­tion value in several aspects. However it became a nature conservation area as the most important habitat of the strictly protected lesser mole rat, we established this conclusion by examining the amphibian and rep­tile fauna of the territory. Our examinations are in close connection with those researches that started in 1998 with the subsidization of the Hun­garian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society and were dealing with the survey of the amphibian and reptile habitats, populations and endangered reproduction sites, and also with the practical species pro­tection and environmental education. Besides, our examinations provide data to that broad research which aims to follow the vegetation change, and as a consequence the natural fauna change of the great pasture, and to identify the possibilities of ecological farming for the sake of reaching the desired natural status again. We made our examinations for the survey of the amphibian fauna of the great pasture in 2006 with the method of visual search of adult ani­mals, either in reproduction period or out of reproduction period alike. Our examinations showed the presence of altogether five amphibian species and a complex, composed of three different species at the great pasture of Hajdúbagos. From the order Caudata we observed the Danubian crest­ed newt and Smooth newt {Triturusdobrogicus, Triturus vulgaris) and from the order Anura the Fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina), the Common spadefoot (Pelobates fuscus), Green toad, Common toad {Bufo viridis, Bufo bufo) the Common tree frog (Hyla arborea), the Moor frog (Rana arvalis), and the members of the Water frogs complex (Rana esculenta complex). In the case of reptiles we kept the instructions of the official proto­col partly, or rather adopt them to our examination site, namely we used the method of observation in 30x30 metre quadrates. In the altogether 12 quadrates we observed three lizard species, the Green lizard (Lacerta viridis), the Sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) and the Balkan wall lizard (Podarcis taurica). Besides, the red back variant of sand lizard (Lacerta agilis var. ru­bra) also turned up. Outside the quadrates we observed the Grass snake (Natrix natrix) and the Smooth snake (Coronella austriaca). Our examinations prove that the Lesser Mole Rat Reservation of Hajdúbagos Nature Conservation Area stands for a unique nature con­servation value at least because of its amphibian and reptile fauna. The optimal management of the area, and the maintenance of it in a nature conservation and in a land development aspect is therefore an important challenge for the handler of the territory.

