A Debreceni Déri Múzeum Évkönyve 1979 (Debrecen, 1981)

Művészettörténet - Sz. Bíró Katalin: László Holló: (1887–1976): „Bridal Procession”

Katalin Bíró LÁSZLÓ HOLLÓ (1887—1976): "BRIDAL PROCESSION" The study compares Holló László, the painter's three oil-paintings composed on the same theme (on the same inspiring experience), and one of the pictures is analysed in detail. On the basis of the analysis of the forms' and the colours' motion-structure and that of the brushwork's charac­teristics it is established that the spatiality of the picture corresponds not to the classical perspective, but to a multi-view-pointed perspective, in which at least four picture-spatialities (having different view-points and different horizons) are organised into a single closed unity which comes about in the struggle of the pictorial forces which develop the emphases in the composition, separate and hold together the dominant pictorial elements and the less emphatic ones. The analysis comes to the conclusion that the picture shows expressionist characteristics not only in the surfacing effects, but actually it is the relative to the best achievements of the expressionist tendency in so far as the pic­torial elements are the vehicles of the painter's thought and impulses ; the traditional genre-subject­matter (the bridal procession in a village) doesn't show us a world as we could expect it, a world in which people whose life-conditions are determined by nature live in harmony with nature — just the other way round, it shows us people living close to each other but isolatedly in a vexed world alienated from nature, and among who their common solitude and the instinctive desire to burst out from solitude creates some sort of community ; and the work is nothing else than the painter's cry bursting out in the Hungary of the beginning of the 1940's: let's show up together our remained humanity in our common solitude. 27 Déri Múzeum évkönyve 417

