Arrabona - Múzeumi közlemények 41/1-2. (Győr, 2003)

Tanulmányok: - Csiszár Attila: A kapuvári festett bútor

ARRABONA41.2003. TANULMÁNYOK Attila Csiszár: The Painted Furniture of Kapuvár The small number of publications dealing with the development of the carpenter centres in Transdanubia identifies the date of the beginning of making painted (flowery) furniture in Kapuvár sometime in the first half of the 19th century. For almost a hundred years the pieces decorated with flowery ornament of drawing character - differing from the furniture both of the Mid-Raab area and the region around Fertő Lake (Süttör) - were made for the upper layer of the peasantry of two neighbouring settlements, Kapuvár and Garta, whose folk culture is very similar. On the basis of the remaining relics - whose majority is unfortunately lacks dates - only a relative chronology can be reconstructed at best. In the first half of the 19th century a larger number of 18th-century trousseau furniture (four-poster beds and chests) made in Komárom could be in use. on A relatively greater number of furniture, four poster beds, benches, wardrobes, serving furniture, and complete room furniture decorated with flowery motifs appeared in the middle of the century and remained from 1870 onwards. The products of the workshops could be made according to the different wish and financial capacity of the commissioners. Within a given period the workshops applied different ­brown, green and flogged, i.e., wood grain finish - prime colours, and decorated with a set of - sometimes poorer, sometimes richer - motifs of the same style. The latest phase of the furniture in Kapuvár is characterised by the ground colour of ochre which remained a favourite colour until the end of the fashion of painted furniture in the 1920's. 156

