Arrabona - Múzeumi közlemények 38/1-2. (Győr, 2000)

Tanulmányok: - Almási Tibor: V. László esküje a Hunyadi háznak. (Gyárfás Jenős és a Millennium)

TA NULMÁN Y OK ARRABONA 38. 2000. TIBOR ALMÁSI: Jenő Gyárfás and the Millennium Jenő Gyárfás, a Székely painter, after completing his main work entitled Ordeal of the Bier (Tetemrehívás) following János Arany's ballad in 1881, withdrew to Sepsiszentgyörgy for good whence he rarely left afterwards. It was here that he painted his huge (220 by 300 cm) composition entitled László V's Oath to the House of Hunyadi (V. László esküje a Hunyadi háznak) commissioned by Ternes county for the millennial celebrations in 1896. The brilliant compositional and chromatic aspects made it possible for the artist to express his well-known anti-Hapsburg sentiments under the pretext of this historic topic. Though contemporary criticism did not realise the real message of the painting, the Evaluating Committee of the National Fine Arts Exhibi­tion deemed it worth being awarded for its artistic quality. This painting deserves a remarkable position in Jenő Gyárfás' oeuvre. It can be found in the collection of the Arad Museum. 231

