Fitz Jenő (szerk.): Religions and Cults in Pannonia. Exhibiton an Székesfehérvár, Csók István Gallery 15 May - 30 September 1996 – Szent István Király Múzeum közleményei: A. sorozat 33. (1998)

33. A relief slab with three Nymphs Displayed on a votive slab in an aedicule are three half-naked nymphs during a sacrifice ceremony. The middle one is slightly taller. Her hair flows over her face and she has her hands lowered to hold a libation shell. The other two have raised arms and hold the ends of their long combed hair which is parted down the middle. The lower parts of the nymphs' bodies are covered with drapery from under which one can discern toes. The end of the drapery of the nymphs to either side is thrown over their arms and towards the edge of the slab. To either side of the central nymph's knee there are tilted pitchers out which of flows a liquid. The upper part of the aedicule is divided by two wavy lines creating three niches. - The top right hand corner of the slab is considerably damaged. - Second half of 2nd century A.D. - 71x85,3x8,5 cm; marble - Varazdinske Toplice (Aquae Iasae) - ZMVT, Inv. no. 335. GORENC 1971, 30, t. XX:2. M.É. CAPITOLINE TEMPLE - SCARBANTIA, V. Its remains came to light in 1893 during the construction of the new Town Hall. The rescue excavation was executed by Lajos Bella, the authenticating excavation in 1966 by Klára Póczy and Ilona Czeglédy. The sanctuary arose on the north side of Scarbantia's Forum. The walls of the building which measured 35x10 m, stood at the end of the last century still to a hight of ca. 1,5 m. Its entrance was decorated by four columns, presumably in Corinthian style. Stairs led to the interior of the sanctuary, at its north wall in three, separate niches gigantic statues of Iuno, Iuppiter and Minerva stood. BELLA 1894, 74-76.; ALFÖLDI, 1920-22, 12-14.; PRASCHNIKER 1936-37, 111-134; PRASCHNIKER 1938, 29-44.; GABLER 1969, 7-9.; ERDÉLYI 1971/72, 223-229.; E. SZAKÁL 1973/74, 47-63.; ERDÉLYI 1974, 159, 223-229.; E. SZAKÁL 1974, 7, 14, 48.; PÓCZY, 1977, 17-20.; FARKAS-GABLER 1994, 29-31, Pl. 2-3. G.G. 64

