Marosvásári Attila: Ahol a forradalom lángja föllobbant. 1956 Szegeden (Szeged, 2006)

A forradalom főbb eseményei Szegeden - Key events of the revolution in Szeged

16th October MEFESZ (Unified Society of Hungarian University and College Students) is reorganised at the university, 17th October Albert Kónya, Minister of Education is in Szeged. MEFESZ congress for election of deputies at the Faculty of Law. 18th October MEFESZ is founded at the College of Pedagogy. The decisions accepted here demand not only higher education reforms but also political ones. 19th October Debate of Attila József Circle on the situation of the intellectuals. Harsh criticism on the party’s intellectual policy. 20,h October General assembly at the university chaired by Dr József Perbíró. The organisational statutes and the 20-point programme of MEFESZ are accepted. 23rd October As a result of the Budapest events, downtown demonstration late into the night. 24th October Soviet tanks marching through the city from dawn. In the afternoon, thousands of people protest in front of the City Party Committee and then in front of the City Hall. The red star is removed from several places. From 5 p.m. curfew in the whole city. The force of arms becomes active, faithful party workers are armed. Late in the evening clashes between demonstrators and the force of arms, the crowd is dispersed with water cannons and warning shots; arrests and house searches. 25th October In the afternoon, general assembly with several thousands of people in Klauzál tér. The Temporary Revolutionary Committee is founded, the organisation of workers' councils starts. In the evening the Headquarters of the Military Government is founded and military administration is introduced. 26th October At dawn Soviet tanks occupy the Szeged bridge-head of the Tisza. In the morning force of arms and soldiers close Széchenyi tér. Demonstration in the downtown. The soldiers closing Széchenyi tér shoot at the crowd arriving from the direction of Takaréktár utca. There is one victim of the gunfire (Lajos Schwartz), and one serious and 15 light injuries. During the day the force of arms disperses gathering groups with force. In the evening workers' councils are formed in several plants. 27th October At noon, with the presidency of Dr József Perbíró, the Temporary Council of City Workers is founded at the City Hall, which takes over the control of the city. 28th October The Ministry of Internal Affairs orders the dissolution of AVH. The Kiskunmajsa artillery is withdrawn from the city. 29th October Temporary Council of City Workers transforms into City People's Council. The People’s Council compiles a memo­randum addressed to the Council of Ministers, it decides to abolish the curfew and to organise the national guard. 30'1’ October Dr József Perbíró appoints Lieutenant Barna Lazur as commander-in-chief of the national guard. The national guard takes over the Othalom ÁVH barracks without force. Former ÁVH members are taken into custody for reasons of public security. 31“ October The City People's Council transforms into the Revolutionary National Committee. During the day, the local organs of the Social Democratic Party, the Independent Smallholders' Party, the National Farmers’ Party under the name of Petőfi Party, and then Christian- Democratic People’s Party are formed again. 1“ November The first issue of Szeged Népe [People of Szeged] is published instead of Délmagyarország [Southern Hungary]. 2"d November The Revolutionary National Committee and the City Strike Committee decide to cease the strike and continue work immediately. Radio Széchenyi starts its broadcasts on the official frequency of MÁV [Hungarian Rail]. 3rd November As Soviet intervention can be expected, the city's defence plan is prepared. University professors of Szeged compile a proclamation addressed to the universities of the world. Dr József Perbíró gives a speech on Radio Széchenyi. 4th November Szeged is surrounded by Soviet tanks; young people are preparing for the defence of the city in Széchenyi tér. The Revolutionary National Committee decides against unreasonable resistance. Seeing the numerical superiority Barna Lazur announces the disembodiment of the national guard. At night the Soviets occupy the downtown bridge-head of the Tisza. 5th November The Revolutionary National Committee calls for the delivery of weapons and ammunition. The local organisation of MSZMP, Hungarian Socialist Worker Party, is founded. ÁVH members arrested during the revolution are released. 6rh November In the morning the members of the former MDP apparatus start negotiations with the Soviet commandership about the occupation of the city. In the early afternoon tanks occupy the downtown; the Revolutionary National Committee is dissolved, its leaders are arrested, and the Worker-Farmer Council is formed. The organisation of the force of arms starts. 7* November Production starts in several plants. Arrests start. 8th November Szeged university professors ensure the Revolutionary Worker-Farmer Government of their support in a proclamation. 9th November Most plants start production; teaching starts in the schools of the city.

