Nagy Ádám - Ujszászi Róbert szerk.: A VIII. Numizmatika és a Társtudományok Konferencia. Szeged, 2009. október 7-9 (Szeged, 2011)

Tokai Gábor: Búza Barna éremművészete

Tokai Gábor Summary The medal art of Barna Búza This informative lecture is aimed at presenting the work of the sculptor Barna Búza, born in 1910, as a medallist, preceding the scientific processing of the crea­tions of his career. Barna Búza was a contemporary of the great medallist generation of the 1930s (Ferenc Csúcs, Walter Madarassy, Sándor Boldogfai Farkas and József Ispánki), whose styles were largely developed by the impulses experienced while on a scholarship in Rome. Despite the example of his colleagues, he began making medals reasonably late, starting from 1969. The precise dating of the pieces made in his early period requires more than just the knowledge of style (the closer in­spection of signatures, the type of lettering used). The artist's medals can be divided into two main periods: the first cycle, meaning more or less the 1970s, was characterised by especially soft patterns and a relatively large number of figural compositions. By the 1980s these soft patterns were changed to a more expressive, rougher surface technique, while the earlier syllabus went on to appear only on portrait medals. This informative exposition is meant as a preview, and it presents the artist's works according to the above described order. 264

